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Obsidian git macos reddit

Obsidian git macos reddit. obsidian folder had made more issues than convenience. In fact I barely type inside Obsidian. if you have OneDrive synced to C:\Users\JohnDoe\OneDrive, then make a directory like C:\Users\JohnDoe\OneDrive\Obsidian\YourVaultName. My phone is encrypted, the git protocol is traveling over HTTPS and my git server is encrypted on disk. It is missing a few key aspects like GitHub SSH key setup and assumes you already know how Git works. And you are done! If you go back to your Github page, you should be able to see the “obsidian_backup” updated with all your obsidian files. Simpler but they take up more room. I tried using git and iCloud (there is an app for Windows) but was seeing a lot of errors and mismatches. Folks, you need to be aware of the very real security risks of themes and plug-ins. I’m wondering why iCloud folders may or may not give problems here. We came to the conclusion that Obsidian is better overall because of plug-ins and interface, but Joplin is better for privacy (open source + free encryption). Rectangle: Effortlessly manage windows using keyboard shortcuts, similar to Windows OS. if you have the files app and don’t want to use iCloud or buy sync, you can just zip your obsidian files and send them off to drive/download them to the app. TYPORA provides a convenient interface for editing tables, so you can make changes to the table directly within TYPORA. This system works for syncing Obsidian across 3 types of devices: MacOs : my desktop IOS : my reading iPad Android device: my phone Tools used: 1: Mac: Chronosync, Dropbox client, Obsidian app 2: iPad: Obsidian App 3. Git between an iPhone/iPad (using Working Copy), the Obsidian Git plugin on Mac, and command line Git to a USB drive I plug into my work PC. To add new notes to the repository simply run :````` git add . If "Push on backup" setting is enabled, will also push the commit. name "name" git config --global user. I just swapped over from Git to SyncThing last week, after a month+ with Git, and it's been much smoother. macOS Keyboard Navigation. Obsidian Vault folder (new vault) Use the following commands to setup git and github via HTTPS : pkg update && pkg upgrade. Since Remotely Save supports S3, I was able to configure R2 with ease. ssh folder did not even have a config file. iSH would only play the role of performing git push commands here. I followed the instructions in that GitHub, created a free IBM Cloud account, and I’m successfully using the free tier of IBM Cloudant to have a cloud-based, encrypted, synchronized vault between iOS and macOS. Syncthing won't work well to get notes from your iOS devices to a cloud solution/other machines. • Git with the Working Copy iOS app. Full guide in a separate post. Apr 19, 2023 · Move local Git repository. Currently i use it to edit the markdown files in my local git repo, which i push using github desktop (i'm a noob, i don't use terminal) but when i push the files, my backlinks beome something like this, where the [[other resources]] should backlink to a nother note in another folder 1. Free, most people already have a Google Drive account. For instance, I was using "Noto Sans" as my font when using Minimal Theme 5. There are monthly payment plans for Obsidian Sync (10 USD per month instead of 8 USD per month). My shortcuts open the log and timber commands using the open url command — obsidian://log. ssh. Create Backup with specific message: Same as above, but with a custom message. PipeItToDevNull. pkg install gh. Before, I used neovim to make markdown files for notes. Open the folder in Obsidian on your phone, enter your username + access token. Obsidian git on adnroid problem. I strongly recommend that you test with a new vault and, preferably, a new TickTick account so you don't mess up your current tasks. While my primary creation ecosystems are macOS and iPadOS, I often have to refer to notes/data on the iPhone as well. md Members Online Not really one of those "been using Obsidian for X months" posts, but lol, this is mine so far and the little red cluster of chaos in the bottom left are all my notes around ADHD from therapy/diagnosis/research - I just find it hilarious how chaotic that section is 1. About and mobile app, which can handle the git. I think using git would be good to do along with iCloud. Can type cd <full path>. This is a Beta release. Finally, FlipperPhone! With this DIY open-source module you can call and write sms with FLipperZero. " You're almost there. Footnote shortcut. email "email" From what I saw, it allows you to use git without having it installed, using the GitHub Rest API, but it seems a bit more limited (which wouldn't be a problem in my case). Have had a bit of a gander and it seems like there are some concerns which don't typically bear out in practice . The setup can be simplified a LOT. Just place your vault inside a synced directory, which you can configure in each respective app. Sebsel posted a guide for macOS in the Obsidian 3D graph update (node label fade, center coordination, Builtin search bar, DAG mode, pull node) r/ObsidianMD • Obsidian 3D graph update (a lot of features done, rewriting algo to improve performance, will release soon) Use the iCloud. Syncthing and folder sync perfect combination for free. Great article with lots of helpful suggestions/ideas! Thanks! I've just started to set up Obsidian in the last few days - this article is timely indeed! Great article! Thanks for sharing, great read. Follow prompts. Despite this I see Obsidian users getting by just fine seemingly on iCloud folders. vi ~/. Unlike Obsidian Sync, syncing through GitHub is not E2EE. I believe there was also an annual billing discount which came out to $288/year for both services, which I think would discount each service to $12/month and save $72/year. I suspected as much but wasn’t sure. I don't need to edit my files on my phones, but it would be nice to be able to read them. You can use SSH or an access token as well instead of using gh. So I am looking into GitHub, I installed the git plugin for Obsidian and set up my repository on GitHub. This sub is dedicated to discussion and questions about Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs): "an industrial digital computer that has been ruggedized and adapted for the control of manufacturing processes, such as assembly lines, robotic devices, or any activity that requires high reliability, ease of programming, and process fault diagnosis. However, I'm facing a persistent issue on my iPhone: a popup keeps appearing, stating that no valid Git repository was found. I had a glitch with iCloud and lost hundreds of files from my vault. in the terminal. . I really want to use Obsidian since it’s so feature-rich, but the lack of self-hosted backup/sync is what forces me to stay with Joplin. My notes are in one repo and my . For me, it works well because it automatically syncs on startup, and pushes changes every so often, emulating obsidian sync for free. Ex: cd "C:\users\strongbad\Documents\Obsidian". He has many options, he can also use Oreprotocol, their cloud storage is quite unique, been using it for some times now. I'm currently using Git to sync my Obsidian notes, including on mobile via the Working Copy app. You can sync it any way you want. git/config (easier). Select the "Obsidian" folder (if it doesn't appear, go into the Obsidian app and create an empty vault). Under the "Authentication/Commit Author" section, fill in the username on your git server and your password/personal access token. In Obsidian settings, enable community plugins. Android: FolderSync Pro I set up my Vault inside my Dropbox folder on the mac. Best Obsidian tutorials 2023. The advantage of this approach is that you can have the file open in both TYPORA and OBSIDIAN simultaneously. After using a personall access token the cloning of the remote repo kind of worked and it tries to download all changes but then it locks up at updating the workdir. pkg install git. Pupil8412. But i was wondering: What Remotely Save on Windows does, is upload all of my files inside my Vault to Dropbox internally. If you're in the iOS ecosystem, the most turnkey solution is Obsidian Sync. In case something breaks, they will be able to solve it much faster, as they are more experienced. Open the file using your editor of choice, ie vim . I am using syncthing for the past many months but I try every month to upgrade to git sync, however unable to do so. Save and close the file. Works great in Obsidian, IOS and Mac. Cybertron was made by the original creator of LYT and Obsidian so I like it 🙂. Open the Command window and type git import existing repo. While I've done extensive manual testing, I cannot guarantee that I have covered ALL use cases. Otherwise, you might be better off with could storage like Onedrive, iCloud, Dropbox, or Google Drive. But things have changed, a lot in tech Raycast/Alfred: Raycast is a powerful and versatile app that outshines Alfred. To commemorate the effort, I created a small writeup with instructions on how to set up a one-click synchronization between your Android phone and a Obsidian database stored on GitHub. name "name". So I made one. That said, if you have a windows or mac server you can use syncthing on the icloud directory and I"ve never run into any problems. You put your obsidian vault in the google drive folder and then it just syncs it automatically when changes are detected. For the moment, GitHub syncing works fine, all my markdown files are being loaded to GitHub private repository and the iCloud syncing continues to Obsidian-git docs, redirected to publish. I use shortcuts on iOS to pull from git before opening obsidian and to push whenever I close it. Create backup and close: Same as Create Backup, but if running on desktop, will close the Obsidian window. obsidian git reset --hard origin And then to upload: Remember, your Obsidian vault is just a folder with text files in it. I have Obsidian installed with the Vault pointed at the Gitea repo. Apparently the github app on Android cannot directly read markdown if I browse the repository. Obsidian-git takes care of the git actions; I have hotkeys designated for pulling and committing. 15Gb of Obsidian goodness. Hey everyone! I've been using Obsidian for a while now, and I've found some amazing plugins that have really enhanced my productivity. It's not a good idea to use a cloud service AND git on the same folder in my experience. I personally use Obsidian Sync as I like things to be simple (it just works) and I like supporting the development of Obsidian a little bit. Here is a guide, with images, to hopefully make that process a bit easier. Edit: I will post a guide later today. But when I tried on a newer version it didn't work as something changed on Obsidian most probably It would be nice to have it provided by Obsidian team or teams like Linuxserver that maintain a lot of docker applications. 3 and noticed that the fonts can now be set directly in Obsidian. Reading markdown in a git repos on Android. This is only really an issue if you are low on drive space where Linux is installed. The only caveat here is the sync of . I use the Lumberjack plug-in for interstitial notes and regular notes. • 3 yr. And it works great to sync between my 3 devices running Windows, macOS and iOS. install the git plugin on ipad. Pros: Easy to setup, just move your vault to the drive folder. I’ve been using Git to backup my local laptop vault and now considered stretching the usage to sync vaults with my IPad Obsidian as well. I am trying Obsidian and syncing using git repository on GitHub. ssh/config. • Remotely Save plugin and various cloud services, including Amazon S3 or S3-compatible, Dropbox, OneDrive for personal, and Webdav. Paavasa. config. StaleReference • 2 yr. Insert your account username and PAT in the git plugin settings. git remote add origin <git_repository_url> git push -u origin main. Remotely Save and Dropbox. This is great! However, I've noticed that some fonts are missing from the dropdown. Browse plugins to install Obsidian Git. Also Github is free of charge. ADMIN MOD. 10. If windows, for instance, put it in Onedrive, then use FolderSync app (as an example, if you're on android) to sync the OneDrive Obsidian folder with the Obsidian mobile vault folder. Obsidian-git plugin is not showing in 'Community plugins' browse menu. ago. So maybe the solution is not effective anymore, I’ll take a look. File history is easy to use (in the GDrive app) Cons: Only hacky solutions for mobile sync, not available for iOS. Use the following commands to setup git and github via HTTPS : pkg update && pkg upgrade pkg install git pkg install gh. Between snap & flatpack (snap is created by Conical/Ubuntu), I My boyfriend uses Joplin, I use Obsidian. Move Git and Gitattributes. Holding breath for Nextcloud sync. E. I open my daily note in Obsidian first as I want my template applied. If you open the iOS app for the first time it will tell you how to use iCloud as a sync option. Currently, the plugin can only be installed manually to the desktop version. I'm sticking around because of the search plugins that have been developed that I actually cannot live without. On Linux, apparently, you can do xdg-open <URI> , as pointed out in this stackoverflow answer . When I came back for the last time, I started using Remotely Save with a Backblaze B2 Bucket. Also depends where your vault is on your PC. These add-ons can "phone home" to servers of those who created them. Obsidian uses open, non-proprietary files, so you're never locked in, and can preserve your data for the long term. After checking out few guides, all of those are using Working Copy for Git on the IPad, but as I I use github desktop on my imac instead of obsidian git, and once the workspaces were added to gitignore everything works perfectly. Hey people, I thoroughly enjoy obsidian and fiddled some time with the best way to sync my files on mobile, PC and Ipad. Microsoft holds the encryption keys and can access your notes if they choose to do so. hit the “Sources” tab and open “app. Leave the relative path setting empty (for advanced users only). Then, when Notion was just not feeling great, being all online and all, I went back on Obsidian with Git Obsidian. 1. js”. Works pretty good (I get some minor sync erros from time to time but thats not a big deal). game-changer for me. I consider the Mac as the primary repo (where I do most of my work). Setup Git and Github for manipulating repositories. I think I also read sth. In theory it's good, but you'll often end up with conflicts. Conventional methods of getting Obsidian Git up and running can prove to be challenging to those not familiar with command line. I'd prefer this over Git for two reasons 1. I version control my vault on GitLab. But you can use whatever git you like (could also host your own one) So in my Case—to sync between 2 Macs—the Git way is enough. I access Obsidian regularly on the iPhone, iPad and MacBook. You are forced to store your Vaults with ICloud which obviously prevents you from syncing ICloud to your Linux and Obsidian + Git + IPad. but the extension is not designed to pull it down. Hover Editor. After you've made your SSH keys, there's an extra step. With that said, I don't think it is possible to manage multiple repos within Obsidian, so making the parent folder a repo and going with submodules approach. I recommend against Obsidian Git. Not sure about iPad, but Iceberg works well on both MacOS and iOS on my phone. • 9 mo. No control over which files/settings to sync. From here on out, whenever you change files on one machine, push the changes to your repo on github and then pull those changes down from github to sync to the other machine. Exit plugin settings, open command palette, choose "Obsidian Subreddit for the Obsidian notes app https://obsidian. Recently my system (windows11) memory got full, affecting a few of my plugins, including this one. •. If you still want to try setting up using git, you can DM me. Git really isn't a good sync base anyway. obsidian file, and then a shell script: cd obsidian_vault git pull cd . I don't really keep up with Obsidian news anymore (or reddit in general for that matter), but yes Obsidian Sync and Obsidian Publish both used to cost $15/month each. Although Obsidian isn’t technically “open-source,” in the desktop apps you can examine the entire code that Obsidian runs: open the developer console. git/config or nano . hide sidebars on window resize. Use git to clone that repo to a local folder. This saves space. My remote is on GitHub. Basically a backup system. It's the reason why I decided to pay for Obsidian Sync when it became available. So, I have been trying to go from Evernote and iOS Notes to Obsidian for over a year, but procrastinated to process over and over again. You can change its name if you wish. All materials and instructions will be on github (WIP), you can find git in the description under the video After figuring out the appropriate URI, you can type open <URI>in the macOS terminal to open the file in Obsidian. I have successfully set up Remotely Save for Obsidian. macOS: Obsidian and Obsidian-git. Right now i have it configured to sync manually. the obsidian git is made for uploading to github only. The main issue I foresee is a potential misalignment between my iCloud updated vault and the git repo when changes Create a Personal Authentication Key (PAT) and give it a bunch of permissions. I have very few issues, just an occasional conflict with config files. If you have something like that, be sure to ignore those text files specifically. That’s the sort of answer I was looking for. touch ~/. Your knowledge should last. You can back up your notes just like you back up any files or folders. The vault folder is the folder where all of your Obsidian notes are stored. It was more than a year ago that I found the blog series on Reddit from Jamie Rubin's Practically Paperless that I found looking promising. Edit 2: Here it is Edit 3: For syncing I'm now exclusively using Obsidian Git, depending on which devices you are trying to sync follow the relevant steps here. It allows me to query and display data from my vault using a simple query language. There are however two features you won’t get with iCloud sync: end-to-end encryption and versioning. As far as I’m aware, there really isn’t a straightforward way to get reliable sync with iOS. Reply reply. Deb shares resources with other programs. The simplicity of text files and markdown formatting Jan 4, 2023 · These instructions should work on UNIX based systems. FuryVonB. Git plugins don't work on mobile 2. better footnotes. I had set up my git as per Danny's tutorial and it was working flawlessly. 6. It's not in the plugin platform that Obsidian displays, which makes me doubt it a little, but I'll leave the GitHub link in case you're not familiar with it. But to answer your question, use the "Git pull" command. That is the central hub. So I went back to Notion. Now, enter the Obsidian app, and you'll see a new vault that is a cloned repository. Then open that folder as a new vault in obsidian. Diffs in my . Both themes and plug-ins pose a substantial risk to the security of, not just your Obsidian setup and content, but your pc in general. After switching to Obsidian Sync I’m really loving the switch. I use it for backup purposes, not for sync. Once you've achieved this, simply use the command "lg2 clone 'URL of the repository'. Navigate to your repo, ie cd <repo_name>. Syncthing is even easier, and works very well. Open a terminal. Then on the other machine do the opposite. Obsidian Sync is your best bet if you’re scattered over multiple operating systems like me (MacOS, Windows, iOS). Hey folks, I've upgraded the Minimal Theme to 5. Create a gitignore file and tell it to ignore everything in . Login to your Github account : gh auth login. It's 90% there. Subreddit for the Obsidian notes app https://obsidian. Anyway, thanks for sharing your perspective, indeed. TL;DR: Copy a git+https checked-out folder from your PC to your phone. Hello fellow obsidianers! I’ve been using a tool for a few months now and I love it. This means information could be both delivered I wanted GitHub for this because it’s free unlike Obsidian. 5. They are literally two steps each. git commit -m "some message ( can be date or smt)" git -u origin main Install Github Desktop Clone your Obsidian Github Vault Add this as an Obsidian Vault Repeat Obsidian Git steps Profit If you're doing this from a macOS, I would then immediately install github-cli to stash your HTTPS credentials in the terminal, if you're not using SSH. A little tedious, but once you have a system it works very well. • 1 yr. Create Backup: Commits all changes. For mobile devices, use Autosync or Foldersync, connect your cloud storage with this app, select your folder and sync (official clients don't work like a syncing service, just to download, upload and view your files basically). I haven’t heard of any iCloud related synchronization issues except for in situations where Windows is involved. In GitHub, create an access token. Mar 25, 2021 · Obsidian Git is an incredibly useful plugin, allowing users to back up their files periodically, in addition to having a changelog and version history. 2, but it doesn't show up on the Appearance tab of the Obsidian settings I was wondering if anyone would be interested in a (relatively) simple guide on how to set up syncing with git. You can use SSH as well. sync. " With hundreds of plugins and themes, you can shape Obsidian to fit your way of thinking. Browse to the root folder of your vault. No, you won't lose your vault, as it is also synced on your local machine in the path you choose. But taking the chance for being an IT expert, are there any security issues from using Obsidian GIT with my GitHub email and password? Note window can be pinned on top of the other windows with standard Mac OS feature in menu: Window >> Float on Top Same Command works on iPhone, but I had to create separate copy of Command for iPhone to bind last step to open file with Blockquote as . I use Google Drive + DriveSync. I’m new to obsidian and run it on iOS, macOS, and I will be adding it to my Windows machine soon. I initialized Git on the same vault on my iCloud so I can have both iCloud syncing and GitHub. obsidian folder become hard to manage when I’m switching OSs (w10, Linux) so I have a CI/CD pipeline on my GitHub that will automatically handle pulls/pushes regardless of what OS I’m in (Windows, Linux). I either enter text and information from web pages into noteplan or using Panda (a bet of Bear app editor). Additionally, I also like to set up multiple automations using Siri Shortcuts and Hazel. I wanted to share my top 3 plugins with you: Dataview. Open up Obsidian and hit ⌘⇧P to pull changes Make my edits. These are the methods currently believed to work for syncing between Windows and iOS devices: • Obsidian Sync. git and gitattributes over to the vault folder. md Members Online Finished my first version of my daily notes template, thanks to the help of the great community on YouTube, Reddit and the forum. Cut and paste the . 7. I have the . You don't need to use termux or similar apps. These plugins all make Obsidian a more frictionless experience. Share. Iirc, the Remotely Save plugin has an E2EE option and works with OneDrive and Dropbox. I use it as a persona knowledge manager, a CRM, a projects bullet journal, a research information repository. My favorites are plugins that address Obsidian's flaws or blind spots (IMO): Filename Heading Sync. Log in using browser authentication (easiest method) and confirm with the code given in the command prompt. If you’re syncing your notes across Windows and Linux/MacOS then no you should not track or not at least in the same repo. Today, when I run Obsidian-git, it failed to load. obsidian settings are in another. I am someone who is very deep into the Apple ecosystem (or walled garden). 19 votes, 40 comments. But for convenience, here are Andy’s original ideas on I am far from being expert in Obsidian or GIT, but my first thing came to mind is that it is a problem related to GIT than to Obsidian, so I would search more in that direction. I wonder about that too. I just use their file sync to my local file system. Follow the instructions and pray. Obsidian is bootstrapped; its smaller team only needs to please themselves and their users, and can stay true to their own vision. snap & flatpak install a full application with no dependencies linked or shared by other programs. Will not exit Obsidian app on mobile. Then you'll want to paste the following into your newly created config file: Host *. The file form OBSIDIAN can be opened in TYPORA. If privacy is a huge concern, use Joplin. Being able to connect my notes together is the only reason I'm using Obsidian. You can though, manually, by just navigating into your vault and do: git pull. true. My Obsidian Git sync is E2E. 4. md tell me not to use obsidian-git if my vault is stored in iCloud. Find the line that starts with url =, update it to reflect the instructions above. Initiate the git repository in that folder with this command: git init. Although, Remotely Save have this option but syncing . columbcille. However I see on many discussions online that iCloud folders are unsuitable for git operations. The main reasons why I chose to migrate from Evernote to Obsidian are as follows: Even if the company behind the app (Dynalist Inc) disappears you have all your notes on your computer or cloud, totally under your control. obsidian folder, which is basically Obsidian configuration folder. g. I use working copy as the git client on iPhone and iPad, and use the obsidian git plugin on PC (Windows & Mac). I honestly tried, you have to jump thru a lot of hoops and you are forced to use iCloud, which you then would sync to a windows device and from there you can sync in any way you want like syncthing to your android device. You can create dynamic tables, lists, and even Using Obsidian + icloud feels illegal. Writeup for Syncing Obsidian via GitHub. It's like having a command center on your Mac, allowing you to accomplish tasks with lightning speed and precision. If cross-device sync is the only thing you want to upgrade devices for though I use obsidian in conjunction with a software called noteplan (macos and iOS). Hopefully without some CLI dark spell. hey guys, i just started using obsidian and love it. This is likely because the syncing is handled through Working Copy. Update the git configs : git config --global user. Actually, I am 30 years old and I make $3 an hour. So if you just want to take better notes, switch to Obsidian. That was a failure. Enter your repo https:// address. gitignore, a separate repo for just the . However if you happen to also use an IPhone your stuck because Obsidian limits where you can store your vaults. Hey I have recently tried to set up obsidian on my phone using the git plugin which I also use for my pcs. obsidian. Sell ios, buy android/linux/windows device, this should solve also many other compatibility issues. Hit ⌘⇧S to commit/push. That is why I am looking for a free option, especially that I am considering subscribing to Obsidian Publish. 3. Backblaze (or any If you're using strictly Windows/MacOS/Android machines, then the google drive client is a really easy way to get pretty hassle-free syncing between desktop devices. This guide is pretty helpful for setting up git on iPhone. I use sync thing for syncing and GitHub for backup. md editor - because by default other app try to open created note. You have to add the rsa key to your path: Now, for some reason, my . Reply. Obsidian cannot directly read the repo in Working Copy afaik. iPhone/iPad If you use multiple platforms such as Android, Linux, and Windows, it's easy to sync between all of your devices. This is the most straightforward part. Re for other people's comments: I also keep my files local to each device, iCloud frequently messes up any git attempt. Coming to Obsidian was extremely easy and made things a lot better. • Self-hosted LiveSync plugin. I know the author mentioned Andy. Everything I wish I knew when starting to use Obsidian. And you have version control, so you can see previous uploads etc. I am almost exhausted trying to find a video tutorial about git sync that actually works. The version control has come in handy a decent amount, although most of those are from when I was figuring out how to sync it with git (before knowing about the plugin A disadvantage of using GitHub to sync is that your files aren’t E2EE. I use GitHub personally. I went to Obsidian Setting and found it disabled. It's a great compromise if you want to save a few bucks. no-empty-windows. That would take the git repo in your Working Copy folder and keep it in sync with your Obsidian folder. 2. obsidian file in my . zf jg nh xz kh wq lt wy ib am