Pyqt treeview

Lots of snippets and limited models, but no complete project that I could learn from. The first two columns are set to fit the contents, the last column is set to stretch. If the child's checkbox isn't given a state, the checkbox element does not appear. QtGui as qtg. Select | selection_model. If you want to remove every children of a parent, you can use removeRows(row, count, parent=None). 在本文中,我们将介绍如何使用PyQt来使QTreeView自动调整大小。QTreeView是一个常用的Qt小部件,用于展示层级数据。默认情况下,QTreeView的大小是固定的,但在某些情况下,我们希望它能够根据内容自动调整大小。 阅读更多:PyQt 教程 在上面的示例中,我们首先导入所需的模块和类。然后,我们创建了一个QMainWindow类的子类MainWindow。在MainWindow类的构造函数中,我们创建了一个qtreeview实例并将它设置为主窗口的中央widget。然后,我们创建了一个qfilesystemmodel实例,并将其设置为treeview的模型。 Nov 21, 2016 · 2. setHeaderLabels(["Name", "Type"]) Copy to clipboard. spinBox1, 1) Note that in the code above, the child widgets aren't given an explicit parent. homePath())) # Show the splitter. ie filter = "". Instead, you should subclass it to create new models. ItemIsUserCheckable) child. Then if I double-click the item, I will open a text file in a QTabwidget. There are basically three GUI (s) that python uses namely Tkinter, wxPython, and PyQt. Jul 23, 2012 · view = PosForm() view. However, if two different types of view were used, the selected items may be represented very differently in each view; for example, a contiguous selection in a table view can be represented as a fragmented set of highlighted items in a tree view. selectedIndexes() but that returns a QModelIndex. It has a treeView and I want to deal with it. Each item has one or more columns. Here is my code to create the browser: model = QFileSystemModel() model. resizeSection(column, width) Then, when you call setModel, Qt will (amongst other things) do the equivalent of: self. addWidget(self. May 15, 2015 · pyqt; Share. 在本文中,我们将介绍如何使用PyQt来使QTreeView自动调整大小。QTreeView是一个常用的Qt小部件,用于展示层级数据。默认情况下,QTreeView的大小是固定的,但在某些情况下,我们希望它能够根据内容自动调整大小。 阅读更多:PyQt 教程 Apr 16, 2015 · That is a bizarre and unnecessary way to get the model! You started with the treeview but then get the QModelIndex of the first selected item and call model() on it. QTreeWidget 她勤践 QTreeView 刁。. Since the standard item model is instantiated with 3 columns the rows can be appended with an item or item (s) so. The solution for me was to set the rows to have uniform heights and then do something like this in Python 3. Firstly, you'll need to modify TreeItem to keep track of the checked state: private: bool checked; and a setter and getter: bool isChecked() const { return checked; } void setChecked( bool set ) { checked = set; } Now the model will need to be modified so that the view knows about the check state: PyQt 自动调整QTreeView大小. Letter) 为节点添加复选框. addStretch() If you'd prefer to have the spin-box expand to fill the whole column, you can omit the last line and do this instead: # make sure the spin-box fills the whole column. Apr 22, 2021 · 3. Dec 3, 2023 · 文章浏览阅读8. Treeview class: tree = ttk. On the pyqt channel on freenode, virousa and frankRojas both asked for a way to create a menu for a tree view that showed different entries for items at different depths in the tree. QWidget. connect(self. That is pointlessly indirect and there might not even be any selected items (though that is tricky when double clicking) in which case it would crash. setCheckState(0, Qt Dec 1, 2017 · I do not understand why this does not seem to expand the top-level root items in a QTreeView: # clear existing treeview data model = self. index = self. without losing my currently selected cell. Treeview(container, **options) Code language: Python (python) A Treeview widget holds a list of items. The program is supposed to take a path from the user with a QLineEdit and then display it on the TreeView. setModel(model) Nov 9, 2011 · Look to. Getting a full-blown TreeView linked to an implementation of QAbstractItemModel has been an effort. At the moment my fetch button appends the rows all the time. The QTreeWidget class is a convenience class that provides a standard tree widget with a classic item-based interface similar to that used by the QListView class in Qt 3. itemsExpandableᅟ - Whether the items are expandable by the user. Qt. PositionAtBottom) Full simple example below. sortingEnabledᅟ - Whether sorting is enabled. root_model=MoDaTreeModel() The QTreeView class is one of the Model/View Classes and is part of Qt's model/view framework. QTreeView提供了selectionModel ()方法来获取当前所选中的模型索引,通过调用indexes ()方法可以获取选择的索引列表。. scrollTo( index ) The item represented by index is highlighed in the QTreeView as expected. I want to delete all selected items from the treeview, as well as from the list (self. Alexandre set columns in treeView. Set the horizontal header's headerDefaultSectionSize property to about twice the headerMinimumSectionSize value. 1 TreeView# You can convert the example above into an application with a tree view. I was able to delete only one selected item from the treeview, I don't know how to delete multiple selected May 27, 2013 · 1. Nov 6, 2021 · As @musicamante said it was not possible in a single for loop. What worked for me was to: Set the horizontalScrollBarPolicy property to ScrollBarAsNeeded. QTreeView简介 QTreeView是Qt Framework中的一个重要控件,用于展示树状结构的数据。 Jan 12, 2015 · how to create project hierarchical view in pyqt inside main window. The 'item' retrieved by the tree. 在本文中,我们将介绍如何使用PyQt中的QTreeView实现一个不可编辑但可选择的树形视图。QTreeView是PyQt中经常使用的一个强大的小部件,用于显示和编辑树形数据结构。 Aug 15, 2015 · Using uic instead to directly load the . Disable QTreeView triggers. I create a data in . 7: self. 1. Mar 26, 2019 · 1. tl;dr: set the column width after you set the model. I declared in my main window a treeView, and a compatible model. root. class MainFrame(QtWidgets. Simple models represent data as a table of items 3. Detailed Description. Here is my approach to create a standard QTableView: from PyQt5 import QtWidgets, QtGui, QtCore. 预宠同簸淡筑氧克移电讳男借 QTreeWidgetItem 灌鳄赂哺。. I referred some articles so add it in my script, but they couldn't work. QMainWindow): def __init__(self): QtWidgets. Jun 2, 2014 · Python: PyQt QTreeview example - selection. Developers who do not need the flexibility tree = QTreeWidget() tree. Tool | Qt. 7 and Qt designer and I'm new to MVC: I have a View completed within Qt to give me a directory tree list, and the controller in place to run things. 8. In any case, if no parent argument is given, a QtCore. topLevelItem(rowcount). 6. 海镜,孔淫宁 The QTreeView class is one of the Model/View Classes and is part of Qt's model/view framework. select( index, selection_model. TreeView. Nov 9, 2020 · If there is a better way of presenting the given data, I could possibly customize that. QMainWindow): def __init__(self, parent=None): 我们可以使用QTreeView的setRowHeight方法来设置特定行的行高。. Nov 10, 2010 · treeview; pyqt; or ask your own question. I'm new to python, and self teaching. setTextAlignment(0, QtCore. handleItemDataChanged) def handleItemDataChanged(self, item, role): if role == QtCore. Now, I would like to have a right-click menu for the tree item. Please add a folder far down your hard drive to demonstrate the issue correctly. view. Contribute to dridk/QJsonModel development by creating an account on GitHub. QTreeWidget): def __init__(self, parent): # maybe init your data here too. This class is based on Qt’s Model/View architecture and uses a default model to hold items, each of which is a QTreeWidgetItem . Get the QModelIndex associated with the click position using indexAt() Enable editing through the edit() method of the QTreeView. Also, I have written self. 2k次,点赞14次,收藏81次。本文整理了PyQt(PySide) QTreeWidget 的常用方法与使用技巧,包括类继续关系、常用方法与信号,QtreeWidget树的创建、QTreeWidgetItem条目的编辑,树的各种设置、节点的拖拽、双击编辑、弹出式菜单、样式设置与树中信息的填充等,适合不同层次的开发者参考。 May 10, 2022 · layout. py file and import it. class Tree(QtGui. 本文介绍了如何在 PyQt 中使用 QTreeWidget 控件,并控制展开标志的显示。我们学习了如何创建根节点和子节点,并设置它们的展开状态。通过控制展开标志,我们可以实现树状结构的数据展示和组织。希望本文对您理解 PyQt QTreeWidget 的展开标志有所帮助。 Dec 12, 2011 · I make a UI with PyQt4. Jan 18, 2016 · Here's a dead simple piece of code that I believe answers the question "How do I get a value from a selected Treeview item:' The tree has columns 'MTD' and 'YTD'. import pandas as pd. How to react on a click in PyQt4 QTreeWidget. Improve this question. Using self. It is simple to construct a tree view displaying data from a model. ItemIsUserCheckable in the flags method. Besides adding items to the treeview, I add them to the list of Task objects. Flat QTreeView items - not nested. 该方法接受一个布尔值参数,如果设置为True,则所有行都将以 Dec 3, 2011 · self. Once the filter is removed of all text. Apr 14, 2019 · To set the whole of a QTreeView Background Colour this works for me: IG = QTreeView() IG. clear() # add treeview PyQt:为什么QTreeView的选择过程很慢 在本文中,我们将介绍为什么在使用PyQt中的QTreeView时,选择过程可能会变得很慢。QTreeView是PyQt中常用的控件之一,用于显示树形结构的数据。然而,有时我们会发现在选中QTreeView的项目时会出现明显的延迟,影响了用户体验。 . For example# the location of a mouse click or the last element if we are appending. PyQt:QTreeView更改列名 在本文中,我们将介绍如何使用PyQt中的QTreeView来更改QTreeView的列名。 QTreeView是一个用于显示和编辑树形结构数据的小部件。 它可以显示多个列,每个列都有一个标题。 The Simple Tree Model example shows how to use a hierarchical model with Qt's standard view classes. CheckStateRole: The QTreeView class is one of the Model/View Classes and is part of Qt's model/view framework. ui file saves a step and simplifies things quite a bit. We also extract the extension name for only the files and add them into the second column. Your model is set on the view right there. That is achieved by calling the setModel method for the tree instance. treeWidget. Any ideas? Sorry if this is a basic knowledge question. Although Nov 9, 2011 · Look to. When receiving selection events from the GL view, you can use QItemSelectionModel::select() to propagate them to the tree view. Each TreeItem is designed to hold data for a row of items in a tree view, so it contains a list of values corresponding to the data shown in each column. indentationᅟ - Of the items in the tree view. See the source code, the output and the explanation of the steps involved. 4. itemDataChanged. It is not supposed to be instantiated directly. For the treeview to show as a directory tree, we need to set its model to a QFileSystemModel instance. Googling around, I haven't really found anything about getting the text value either. QPrinter. setRootPath('C:\\Projects\\Hypertraduction Tool') tree = QTreeView() tree. Aug 26, 2016 · PyQt: Adding children to TreeWidget dynamically. Qt咨侈线专著寂等刮紫怕罪 QTreeWidget 更,岁运翰拆 QTreeView 辟。. All of these can operate with windows, Linux, and mac-OS. So, I can see the data tree in my treeView. import PyQt5. 该方法接受两个参数:行索引和行高度。. It contains a layout with some buttons (the size of which is constant) and the QTreeView. I captured this behavior on this video (YouTube link). This is my setup: I am trying to create a "smart" tool tip which is a QWidget with Qt. self. All the UI should be set up right there in the init unless you have a compelling reason to separate out the logic. setUniformRowHeights(True) Jul 30, 2018 · 4. setStyleSheet("background-color: green"); To set a specific QStandardItemModel Item Background Colour this works for me: Oct 25, 2017 · I have a QTreeView and I listen for the doubleClicked signal. But when I deselect or select any of the child nodes, the whole tree collapses by default (figure on the right). Qt QTreeWidget preserve sort. exec_()) The important things to note: In your init, the database is created, and then passed into the QSqlTableModel. In the example I show how to enable the context menu in the first column. Oct 17, 2015 · In order to create an 'editable' treeView item where you can double click on the text of a particular item to edit it, you simply need to change the widget contained in that particular column of the item to a QLineEdit Widget that deletes itself upon pressing enter. selection() call is a tuple of strings, the first value being the iid of the selected item. QModelIndex ()) # Pick an insert location for a new node. Apr 23, 2017 · I created a simple to do tasks GUI application . FramelessWindowHint as its WindowFlags, which works nicely. Unchecked) These set up the child to be selectable and set the default to unchecked. import sys. # 为节点添加复选框. 0. So I created a General table where the Item_ID from the Item_Table and the Tree_ID from the Tree_Table was referenced as a Foreign Keys and got an ID which is Unique. Apr 1, 2020 · 3. Oct 22, 2014 · I have followed some useful online tutorials by Yasin Uludag to experiment with PyQt (or rather PySide) to create a simple tree view, but I'm having problems with getting tooltips to work. Qt Json Tree Model . Mar 20, 2019 · Python - Human sort of numbers with alpha numeric, but in pyQt and a __lt__ operator. The QAbstractItemModel class defines the standard interface that item models must use to be able to interoperate with other components in the model/view architecture. exit(app. def setRowHeight(self, row: int, height: int) 如果要设置所有行的行高,则可以使用setUniformRowHeights方法。. show() sys. Commenting to your ideas, neither one works unfortunately; the former adds widget on column 0. Iterate the data structure, create the QTreeWidgetItem elements, and add the corresponding children to each parent. PyQt How to set header labels with QTreeView. Here's the code which I've written so far: THE FUNCTION: def populateTree(self): tree=self. Mar 28, 2021 · I am working with PyQt5 and I am trying to clear a QTreeView by pressing a button. What you have to do is the following: disable the ReadOnly property of the QFileSystemModel. setPageSize(QtGui. Feb 12, 2023 · I am trying to set up a simple QTreeView with nice columns. For some reason, the minimum width of the last column ("Balance") is way higher than it needs to be, which produces unwanted behaviour. Disable sorting of child items in Jul 21, 2019 · 2. Jul 31, 2018 · It has a signal selectionChanged () you can connect to to receive tree view selection changes and apply them to the GL view. setItem(row,col,item) Nov 4, 2017 · Level 0 means parent node, 1 means child of 0, 2 means child of 1 and so on. QTreeView() selection_model = tree_view. In the following code, the tooltip text is displayed on the console rather than in a tooltip window. uiItems. parent1. virtual void select ( const QModelIndex & index, QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlags command ) virtual void select ( const QItemSelection & selection, QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlags command ) Nov 17, 2011 · 25. For the view to be notified the model must emit the signal layoutAboutToBeChanged before the change and layoutChanged after the change, but for this the node must access the model, so the model must be made as a Node attribute. tasks) at the same time. appendRow([item1,item2,item3]) will populate all 3 columns, to populate a second column for the parent simply set the item in the model at the desired index. See a working example of a tree view with email data and how to customize its appearance and functionality. Follow asked May 15, 2015 at 7:58. Not for all of the items, but for a part of them, for example: for the tree elements with an even index. We can set additional options on the tree object: sorting enabled (setSortingEnabled), animation and indention. The code for this looks as follows: Jul 19, 2016 · tree_view = QtWidget. Qt tree view with Pyside. treeview. rootIsDecoratedᅟ - Whether to show controls for expanding and collapsing top-level items. This is the index of the root itemrootIdx=model. I have been trying in many different ways to do it, but I'm failing. class MainWindow(QtGui. – Mar 22, 2011 · My problem is, that i can't reselect a TreeViewItem after i unselected it. If by "button" you mean a simple image of a button at the beginning of each row , you may use QStandardItem::setData(const QVariant & value, int role = Qt::UserRole + 1) with role = Qt::DecorationRole and value being a QIcon or a QPixmap. My question is: Mar 17, 2020 · Learn how to graph a hierarchical data set using the QTreeView widget in PyQt5. Qt's model/view architecture provides a standard way for views to manipulate information in a data source, using an abstract model of the data to simplify and standardize the way it is accessed. model. Does anyone has an idea why this is not working? Any thoughts would be appreciated. The method in the latter doesn't exist (pyqt mostly follows C++ api). But QTreeWidget has it's internal model in some way along with the methods to deal with model in context of indexes. 当用户选择或取消选择复选框时,我们可以通过相应的信号与槽机制来响应用户的操作,并实现相应的功能。. Upcoming initiatives on Stack Dec 17, 2017 · So since a few days, I manage to implement a multi-node tree model within a treeview thanks to this video tutorial with the code source here and here but now I would like to add a delegate pushbutton next to each child of the last level of the tree model. You'll need to write something yourself to pull in the information from the XML file (hint: use a python XML parser like ElementTree ). QPrinter(QtGui. Python uses different GUI applications that are helpful for the users while interacting with the applications they are using. setCheckState(0, Qt. child. 对于单选模式,我们只需取第一个索引即可,然后可以使用sibling May 11, 2022 · Qt TreeView obtaining number of total rows, expanded and collapsed folders considered 4 how to show the proper number of columns in a QTreeView for a model with different hierarchical column counts A Treeview widget allows you to display data in both tabular and hierarchical structures. AlignHCenter) to align each of the text items to the center (horizontally 通过上述示例,我们了解了如何使用PyQt5获取当前所选的QTreeView项目的文本和索引。. if you want a QPushButton for example, then you might consider building your custom delegate by Mar 8, 2011 · You should create a model that support Qt. g. QtCore as qtc. So far it's working great. Since, just like index() and other functions, you can use a parent argument, you can get the children count of an item using rowCount(parent=None). Learn how to use the QTreeView class in PyQt5 to create a tree view widget for hierarchical data representation. index ( 0, 0, QtCore. This code will build a tree widget with the rows (and subrows) filled out from data. The treeView is made up with model-base. Set the horizontal header's headerMinimumSectionSize property to the same value as the 'geometry Width' value. To create a Treeview widget, you use the ttk. I am trying to use dictionaries in a QTreeView to create a multi-level view, I found a post that works almost the same as how I want it, but I don't want the text showing on the 'value' column for every level/sublevel. The qtreeview is recreated. View/Model Nov 20, 2017 · Signal 과 Slot 람다 함수를 이용하여 값 처리 및 전달 PyQt QTreeView 复选框 在本文中,我们将介绍如何在 PyQt 应用程序的 QTreeView 控件中添加复选框。 Qt 是一个跨平台的 GUI 库,提供了丰富的 UI 控件和功能。 PyQt 是用于Python语言的Qt绑定库,可以方便地使用Qt库来构建强大的跨平台应用程序。 We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. view = ViewType(splitter) # Set the model of the view. This should be based on some input. To enable multiselection on your treeview, call setSelectionMode( MultiSelection ). header(). Since QTreeView provides a row-oriented view onto a model, it is natural to choose a row-oriented design for data structures that will supply data via a model to this kind of view. Dec 13, 2012 · for ViewType in (QColumnView, QTreeView): # Create the view in the splitter. QTreeView implements the interfaces defined by the QAbstractItemView class to allow it to display data provided by models derived from the QAbstractItemModel class. I Paste you here an example i am using in a project, this is a QSortFilterProxyModel generic implementation to use in any model but you can use the same ideas in your model implementation, obviously i am using internal structures in this subclass you QTreeWidget 是 PyQt 中用于展示层级数据的一种常用控件,可以显示多列数据。设置列宽可以让我们更好地控制数据的展示效果和用户体验。 阅读更多:PyQt 教程 获取列宽 在设置列宽之前,我们首先需要获取当前的列宽。QTreeWidget 的列宽可以通过 0. It also doesn't matter if i put the 'Focus()' before or after the 'IsSelected = false'. If your data is stored in a database model or if you want to have a single data model and show it in some views in different ways, then you are definitely better to go with QTreeView. I have a filter on qtreeview that recreates the rows and columns. Ask Question Asked 7 years, 10 months ago. virtual void select ( const QModelIndex & index, QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlags command ) virtual void select ( const QItemSelection & selection, QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlags command ) PyQt 自动调整QTreeView大小. So I thought I would put this up so maybe others can learn. The QAbstractItemModel class is one of the Model/View Jan 1, 2018 · PyQt5编程(47)—创建目录树. I have a QTreeView in PyQt5 with checkable parent and child nodes. The thing is that I can't figure out how to clear the view once I'm finished or maybe if I typed in the wrong path. No changes have to be made to the model. How to click QTreeWidgetItem programmatically. sourceModel() model. PyQt – 如何使QTreeView不可编辑但可选择. Modified 5 years, 11 months ago. In the constructor, you can see that PyQT5议阻:屿朦搅 (QTreeWidget) QTreeWidget 破般酷贩,辟辐郭吕蜓荷偶橄贷狮(踩族写撮辣座混)余。. view. selectionModel() selection_model. CheckStateRole in data and SetData methods and the flag Qt. I've read, that focusing the TreeView itself should solve this problem, but it's not. Simply replace QTableView with QTreeView, which results in a read/write tree. Mar 9, 2013 · Thanks, I eventually chose yours as the answer since I got inspired and came up with a workaround as I modified my question. So, that when I click "FetchData" again, it will all build up from scratch. I have to generate a QTreeView from it. 除了默认的文本项之外,我们还可以为Tree Widget的节点添加复选框,以实现动态移除功能。. I'm not exactly sure how to convert that to an integer value. setFlags(child. show() Jan 18, 2021 · Hierarchical treeview in Python GUI application. setAlternatingRowColors(True) self. Jul 10, 2015 · This one sets up the parent element to be a three state check box. The problem has nothing to do with threads. Feb 24, 2013 · 5. Related. – Jul 15, 2018 · 6. ) The whole treeView gets refreshed and reloads all data from the database, but e. I am trying to make a QTreeView automatically resize to its contents. PyQt:QFileSystemModel 复选框过滤. This is my code and does the following: Creates a new row every time you click the Edit button. In general if you just want something PyQt 递归展开QTreeView中item的所有子项 在本文中,我们将介绍如何使用PyQt递归展开QTreeView中一个item的所有子项。 阅读更多:PyQt 教程 1. 1 import sys 2 from PyQt4 . PyQt可以使用QTreeView来显示一个目录结构,要将treeview显示为目录树,需要将其模型设置为QFileSystemModel实例。 May 21, 2015 · I want to save the tree as a PDF when I click the 'print' button. model(). The tree won’t have any hierarchies because there aren’t any hierarchies in the model itself. setRootIndex(model. Current ) tree_view. Featured on Meta We spent a sprint addressing your requests — here’s how it went . Clear | selection_model. Dec 14, 2016 · So a more robust solution would be to sub-class the model and emit a custom signal that specifically includes the role: model = StandardItemModel() self. Based on this question, and somewhat on Qt documentation, I have tried doing it with the following method (see full SSCCE below for context): printer = QtGui. setModel(model) So the column width does get set - just not on the model the tree view ends up with. This behavior works fine. if I use the setStyleSheet method in order to change the style for a specific widget, the other ones placed inside it, changes their style, but I don't want it! I can bring you two example: when I change the border/background color for a frame (see the widgets placed inside it): import PyQt5. I'm using Python 2. Is there any good way to record if I have already opened the text from the item? Sep 28, 2018 · PyQt QTreeWidget - SIGNAL 'clicked' from header. Viewed 6k times In the example shown above, two views of the same type were used to display the same model’s data. I can expand the parent node and have callbacks to select/deselect all child nodes on selecting/deselecting the parent node. QFileSystemModel简介. QFileSystemModel是PyQt中一个用于管理和显示文件系统的模型类。 Jul 19, 2022 · From my understanding I need to pass an index into scrollto ,however this doesn't work. ) Expectation: model gets resetted (empty). uniformRowHeightsᅟ - Whether all items in the treeview have the same height PyQt can show a directory structure using a QTreeView. 在本文中,我们将介绍如何使用PyQt中的QFileSystemModel类和复选框过滤器来管理和显示文件系统中的文件和文件夹。 阅读更多:PyQt 教程. setModel(model) # Set the root index of the view as the user's home directory. splitter. 2. It's easy to do. _tree = QTreeView() self. Make the first column of each row user checkable and make it appear a checkbox. tree. structureData. So yes, in answer to question #2 there's a simpler way than calling the ui stuff: from PyQt4 import uic, QtGui, QtCore. setModel(model) model. __init__(self) Jan 23, 2022 · I use QFileSystemModel to display the files, and I don't really know if I should change the header on the QFileSystemModel side or that of the QTreeView. setColumnCount(2) tree. HighResolution) printer. layout. currentIndex() self. flags() | Qt. But I can't drag and drop it, so can't change the order. ui. QModelIndex() argument is considered PyQt TreeView with AbstractItemModel with Drag and Drop and SQL Data Source. scrollTo(index, QAbstractItemView. index(QDir. Jan 8, 2015 · 16. _tree. last_opened_folder = "YOUR DIR". With that change you no longer need a QTimer to update the view. Aug 26, 2015 · Using SizeHintRole worked for height but seemingly wrecked auto-width. QItemSelectionModel * QAbstractItemView::selectionModel const and _QItemSelectionModel_ methods. And also remove the extra row under the items that has the value. fq lg fn kq ca oc jp ki vr lo