
How hard is it to get into waterloo math reddit. Make use of the open courseware: https://open.

Alternatively, consider reaching out to UW-MATES. Just PM'd! There are a handful of American/International students here. I’m in geomatics and all 4 of my coops have been CS coops, it all depends on your resume, nobody cares about your program. I think I can get a 99 average in my other courses. I'd say get at least a 90 for sure, but aim for 93. There's no way some kid with high 80's is getting in unless he's an IOI/IMO medalist and if you are, than you should be smart enough to get 95's easily. For example, their analysis offerings from what I can tell are better than Waterloo’s. One of the really great things (or terrible things, depending on perspective) about UofT is that the department is huge, which means that there are lots of profs, courses, grad students, seminars, etc. Admissions. Being in DD, you can drop either half of the degree and transfer in to single degree math or CS at any time. Don't accept thinking you can transfer. I think my grade 10 average was around 93-94 (2019-2020). This is false. It's really flexible and you can adhere according to the courses you like. STAY OUT OF DOUBLE DEGREE. My ECs are as follows: Co-founded 2 organizations that aim towards teaching kids subjects related to stem for free. There isn't really a way to "do well". Here, that means solving "x = 1-x" which has one solution x = 1/2. I want to major in pmath/co and what drove me here was a) living away from home, b) the fact that math was a faculty, and c) the pmath and co programs are really really good. Math AA HL - 6. If you did not get accepted, you can keep A community for grade 12s in Ontario to discuss things about university admissions, OSAP, OUAC/OCAS uploads, and general program queries. There are lots of different fields of pure math, you already mentioned analysis but there are also fields like abstract algebra etc etc. I got into Waterloo math without computer science, I didn’t apply to computer science though. I’m a grade 12 student planning to apply to the Waterloo math and afm programs. Ontario high school students. The MCAT (Medical College Admission Test) is offered by the AAMC and is a required exam for admission to medical schools in the USA and Canada. depending on what additional maths you take, it can be easy or hard We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. The transfer itself is definitely hard and competitive but surely not the next-to-impossible fairy tale that some of the comments say. Not just in school either. I go rejected with a 93ish avg with a 70+ euclid score, made AIME twice, and did alright on CCC. • 10 mo. Did web dev internship at a super well known company for 4 years. That said, the tests are a lot harder than anything you'd see in CS 135/136. Hence the salty first line. CFM falls under the CS Department, hence the same requirements as transferring from Math to CS. This course is actually shit. I did some research and found out that it If your Waterloo program has coop, then I'd say it's better than cs at western. Before you get deadset on something as cancerous as analysis maybe try Reply. Don't know about UTSC CS though. As for me, I love physics and have a love/meh relationship with maths. uWaterloo to get a good job upon graduation, UofT to go into academia. uwaterloo. You will still get a great job with UT CS. I noticed that the Mathematical Finance major is a combination of actuarial science, statistics and pure math courses so I intend to declare it as my major. Mid 90s (higher if possible) and some FUCK MATH 135. I don't think engineering is too hard, but it's more of a time investment. But it's prolly gonna be harder to get in this year cause of 225% Good luck! Apparently the new circuits course is easier/better than the old GENE 123 that we took. Make sure to apply to the program through both Laurier and Waterloo to increase your chances. Granted he did list like every activity he did in our school Wednesday Session program(a lot) but they weren't exactly special. If I remember correctly, a requirement for MQF is at least one real analysis course and at least STAT330 and STAT333 here, or equivalent statistics and probability courses. If you go to UofT or Waterloo and don’t put in any effort or make any side projects you can’t expect to get a well paying and reputed coop. Yes. Many of the professors are nice and accommodating if you approach them. Award. So yeah… it boils down to what you prefer to be honest. 5%. i applied for CFM(computing and financial management) with a very high avg(adv func 99, calc 99, data 100), but with no math… Their research department in Pure Math is more prestigious globally. The marking system doesn't make any sense. iirc by adding the generic maths + 6 additional maths, you don't need to take the business courses and you've less afm breadth choices, if any. Pure math is a lot about proving things. Hello there. Reply. They only really look at grade 12 marks. math. While CS tuition is constant at around $1400/course. You're a lock to get in. Not sure if waterloo would consider that though. 6. I think first year is the most difficult due to consistent high work load, but overall it isn't that bad later on. The program has some tough courses and some easier courses, as every program does. I'd estimate ~95% entrance average for both programs this year, and around 10% of applicants accepted. If you're just used to high school plug-and-chug type of math, then you would have a lot of learning to do during the first year. *English and Econ were a 5 in the last term before apps. Main courses typically are math, process design, and thermodynamics based. My current average is a 91. Computational Math, basically a combination of CS, CO, AMATH, PMATH, and STATS. My plan is to make the deans list at laurier and get 90s and maybe 100s in every first semester course (I got two 100s last semester, taking 4U data management and 4M family studies) , from there I can transfer to Waterloo ARBUS (transfer shouldn’t be hard since they literally want me now) and from there transfer to math for the winter Here is why I think AFM is underrated: 1. 2. ECE is also the course code, CE and EE courses are both labeled as ECE but the content could be more CE or EE. Would recommend annoying your prof/TA in office hours if you don't understand anything - remember, you're paying for the help! Questions about Mathematical Finance major. Is it hard to get into these programs? The OUAC system lets you apply to 3 schools for the same price as 1, so use them all! If you have experience with leading clubs or had large involvement and success in extracurriculars, that looks really good for you in your supplemental application. (This is according to an instructor on piazza. When I transferred, they looked at your CS average first, then math average, then overall average, then your responses on the form you fill out to transfer. It wasn't too difficult but I lacked the motivation to study harder. First, to be eligible for transfer, you should meet below criterias: Taking (or have taken) CS 136/146+136L (or equivalent) Meet the minimum admission requirements. If your're wondering why, it's because CFM follows the SAF tuition which is regulated differently under Ontario law. There are plenty of kids getting in with lower marks than the 95s some others are calling for. For example if you want to do software dev, you can do so. I'm a first year Math student. a transfer is almost impossible. Share. Computer Science is better at uWaterloo because they have a better co-op program and have many more different job opportunities. As such, the material isn't that much harder, but you need to learn it fast . The earliest you can apply is in your 1B term, during which most math students will be taking CS 136. It will be way easier if you talk to your professors (who you did your research projects with) prior and they are willing to take you. Senior robotics design team. For some people, this way of mathematical thinking just clicks and they find these classes easier. U. Out of the two I'd say nano was harder on average, but there are obviously difficult courses in both. You would be better off going to York Computer Science than here. I'm not from there, but by reputation alone, the math specialist program at UofT appears to be excellent. From around $600 per course to $1600 per course. . However, I am also going to apply to the BBA co-op program at UTSC as well as Laurier math+BBA as some backup option. If you're remarkably good at the math side of things you'll excel in some programs and find the workload easier to manage. Very few ppl make the cut Sure the analysis courses are rough but so is Waterloo math faculty no matter what program. You won't have time to do anything you want to do and you'll stay up until 3 AM on most nights (some days you can't Hey! I was recently admitted to honours mathematics with co-op but deferred from cs. I want to go into research, but I have plenty of friends who want to Admission requirements. If you want to go for data science, you can also do that. I would like to either go into actuarial science or accountancy depending on where I think my interests lie. If you are interested in law school, I don't think it would matter whether you are math finance or not, you will just need to have a good reason as to why you want to go to law school. The "individual selection from x" doesn't mean you need at least an x to get in; it means you need at least x to be considered. Hopefully this gives you some confidence. (I would say 87+ math average & 95+ in 136/146 to be safe) What do these numbers mean? Computer Engineering Chances. Anyone know who I should consult at waterloo to get the big picture. PMATH, once you're in. Student life was great if you find the right clubs or extracurriculars. IIRC you would apply for one of these programs (most likely CS) and then declare another math major, e. Didn't write the Euclid cause of covid but got 38 on csmc. My friend got into math co-op with an 85 in the last round. Instead, in high school I took all 3 maths, and for my first year course If you really want to guarantee a entry knowing a professor you have done research with and having them supervise you and vouch for you. I am interested in both math and cs and would like to work in a software job in the future. That being said the math specialist program is challenging. First year was great, but I have had a steep mental decline since second year. For my program mathematics, from day one, it seemed that the University heavily invested in the math faculty. 90% of class is returning to past employers, and likely to get higher offers based off confidence on an offer. You may also want to pick up a copy of his textbook for the course. Western has an internship program but internships are what you make out of them. Was in CS 145, as opposed to the advanced maths, is more about going faster than going further in-depth. You’ll only take a couple of explicitly “chemistry” courses in chem Eng. Lol if you think you can get into se with high 80's than you are straight up delusional. If you have AP/IB courses, it is possible that will help with admissions, as would taking any mathematics contests. The advantage that Waterloo gives is that our Math department provides a lot of choice, so if you’re unsure of a subtopic, Waterloo is probably better. S. AFM stands of Accounting and Finance, and that is what its speciality is. Switched out of nano after 2 years, into software, which I've now done 2 years in. If you can go through four years of hell at UW, it means you are smart and hard working and smart hard workers usually become great employees. Waterloo is a great school. The most attractive part of Waterloo is different co-ops to explore different jobs and the various math specializations available to students. Hello. skatertomato1. To transfer from Math to CS, you need above 70% in CS 136 which I think would not be so hard since 70% is about the average and above 60% in maths courses. Hey I'm assuming this would help ease some math people's nerves. I graduated about 2 years ago and I just want to know how badly I would get rejected if I applied today. Advice. Remind us in a few years if you are happy in Waterloo. Personally I have a 95 going into grade 12 and I have no expectations of getting into Waterloo CS. It is easy to get in but many people won't complete it because it's very demanding. Megathread. Also remember that English is almost always a required course. ECE just means electrical and computer engineering (at waterloo anyways). DD is not less competitive than pure CS or math. While it is possible to get a job in marketing or consulting, if you are interested in a job in accounting or finance, AFM is a great place to be. I got into CS and into math last year with a 97% grade 12 average and only ECS were having a job and few small clubs. The program is mostly designed to be combined with something else (Stats is a good choice) since it's pretty broad and you don't really specialize in much. High school math is nothing like pure math. UofT has the prestige and more difficult math but it will be more difficult to get into a big company after graduating. The degree is quite math heavy - there's a reason it's under the faculty of Engineering is very difficult. I'm a grade 12 student applying to AFM this year. There's a reason that UW is one of employers' favorite universities to hire from because UW is hard to get in and also hard to graduate from. So for them getting a higher mark is way easier. If you work hard, these marks can be achieved and then you can transfer to CS co I've heard google is a requirement for anyone pursuing their masters degree. I applied to Waterloo CS and McMaster engineering for this fall. Admission average requirements were ~3-4% higher than single degree Math and CS counterparts when I applied. Ezpz just say you really want it. Of course anything better only helps. Beautiful-Total4080. Amazing Account/Finance Recruiting. Accounting. The reason it's the best major is it's super interesting, with super high quality professors and an excellent community. I found out that Mathematics at UofT and Pure Mathematics at Waterloo are among the best in Canada. 4. Also if you’re not interested in grad school just go to Waterloo. but yes uw based kids do get one extra coop term. First, there is the online thing where the assignments for them (where the class average is around 90) are worth way more. You can also use the first rule to figure out f (1/2); a common trick is choosing x to be a value so that you get f (c) on both sides of the equation, which tells you something about f (c) without needing to relate to other values. I am in grade 12 and have a hard English teacher. regardless of where you are based, if you drop into single degree bba, you lose out on guaranteed coop and you now need to reapply to laurier coop at the beginning of second year just like everyone else. At the end of grade 12, I got the following grades: Computer Science HL - 7. Hello everyone! I am high-school student and I moved to Canada six months ago. Submit an online application. Some of the phone numbers can be reached 24/7. in math/cpa you take the standard maths all math students take and then you've the freedom to take six maths of your choosing. 7. TLDR - I fucked math finals and might get rescinded. Imo if you really want to study CS, dont attend waterloo math with the hopes of transferring later. If you put in the effort you should be alright. Taught by the one and only Dan Wolczuk. I am deciding which university apply to. Hi! I’m interested in applying to Waterloo and was wondering how hard it is to get in. However, if you just say "oh it's real hard" and just try to pass, you'll wind up unemployable with a 60% average and an empty resume. For me, MATH 136 hasn't been great. I’ll go first: Around 95 avg. Academics. I honestly don't think I will be happy anywhere else. Even if it is there, it would be conducted mid August and offer letter says condition has to be met before August 15th. I think we lost like ~10 people, and gained like ~5 of the 2021 Civils who failed it the year prior into our class. Overall they're the same difficulty as the 1st year advanced courses, but individual courses vary a lot depending on the prof. The reason this is also a joke is the major is incredibly hard and doing it just to get a job at the end is a less efficient, less certain, more difficult path than just like, doing a stats major. My other courses this year are all math and computer science along with 2 spares. The general things that will give you the best shot of getting in would be a 95+ average, a strong AIF (mostly ECs, leadership roles, and awards/achievements), and good performances in the math contests, especially Euclid. The website says to email the admissions committee in case I'm concerned about not meeting the condition. Make use of the open courseware: https://open. In fact, it is more competitive. Midterms are always a sticky time you'll get used to it as you go into future terms. UW is a top ten university in Canada. 95. I am very curious to see if anyone's heard back from Waterloo regarding their admission into SE. Ecs: Nearly 450 volunteer hours. Extremely hard. Lol the math courses you’re doing online aren’t a good gauge of whether you’d enjoy waterloo math. My favorites are STATS and PMATH, which is funny because one is the most useful in the "real world" and the other is the least useful. I got accepted for McMaster engineering 🥳 but Waterloo gave me an alternate offer in Mathematics. Club pres and founder of 2 tech/math - focused clubs. ) Basically the highest weight is given to CS average, so as long as you get 90+ in 136 you should be fine. And it's not the end of the world if you don't get in; there are lots of pathways to enter the tech industry. The course notes are terrible, and help from the professors haven't helped either. Waterloo Mathematics or McMaster Engineering. Passing math courses is not hard, but doing well in them is difficult. Ie your upper year grades are pretty good even your you bombed the first to year, or you go into grad school You could get a 50 % avg in Gr 11, I gave 2 craps about highschool, ended up with a 60avg, actually tried a little in Gr 12 and got a 88 avg and got into CS co-op. Waterloo seemed to have a better supplemental app than the other schools I applied to (Queens You’ll be ok for MMF, but MQF might get a little hairy. The #1 social media platform for MCAT advice. dont do it. North American students. Doing EE would mean youre part of ECE, the department groups them together since they share a lot of courses/are similar. Some get programming jobs, a lot get business or finance jobs, etc. U of T and Waterloo both deferred me to alternate majors with these grades. Waterloo has a solid reputation for attracting some of the smartest math students in the country, and the environment really helps you learn and become more passionate about math. Generally low 90s for math would be good or a good score on Euclid and some ECS to compensate. Good luck to yall. I’m also an international student. Highschool math is follow the steps produce a result. The numbers you mention are CAD, despite the vast majority going to VHCOL USA (thus overestimating this by their own math) The data points are include stock and bonus, which can quickly add to it (think 50%+ more). high school students. Yes doing well in Euclid means you are pretty good at problem solving but you still need to work hard to get good grades. • 4 yr. While I would say level of education is comparable, getting into a top tier grad school from U of T I would say is slightly easier than from Waterloo. Afm is a joke to get into nowadays scandal after scandal. I'm thinking about switching programs, either to a different science or maybe engineering. 43K subscribers in the OntarioUniversities community. 5. Transfer credits for students with Advanced Level (A-Level), Advanced Placement (AP), Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE), International Baccalaureate (IB), and university for pharmacy, the minimum average to get in is 75% and they recommend around 200 hours of experience working in a pharmacy/shadowing (you’ll need a reference too but it can be from any health professional). So, Im in the physics program at Waterloo, and I hate it. If you didn’t get into Waterloo math drop your stats. As a broad statement, I would say there are more Tier 1 research professors at U of T, so getting a letter of rec from one of Computational math is more of like a general math major + a computing technology option. You have to work. r/uwaterloo. Keep in mind that depending on the amount of course overlap between the majors, this may be a very difficult to complete (difficulty of courses, needing to take more courses than you can handle etc). Anytime! Not to sound demotivating or something but a sizeable chunk of CS admits to UW eventually get filtered out (read: fail) into Math by 2nd or 3rd year anyway. The workload of this course will eat you alive, just for you to maintain a shit GPA. Discussion. MQF is very theoretical and you will be taking STAT901, 902 and 906 which will require measure theory. cliffanderssen. When I got into CS coop in 2011, I had a 89 average, about 50 volunteer hours, one extra extracurricular activity, and a distinction on one of Waterloo's math contests. If you need someone to chat with, text 741741 to the Ontario Online & Text Crisis Service. But you have two years to catch up. I say it’s really really good. ca/1. doumasloyalfollower. • 5 yr. Combining this with rule 1, you can find out f (1). You should aim for a 20% increase in grades. they accept 120 students every year but i’m not sure how many apply (i would guess around 250-300 or so). Software Engineering Class Of 2026. 9. Run. It really boils down to your aptitude. Or at least you'll get to appreciate them getting over lol. It starts with probably around 200 students in the first year and has only maybe 30-40 at the end. g. People and the internet have told me it is practically impossible to get accepted for comp sci or any type of engineering. They could put in 1/3 of the effort and get a far higher mark. President of my schools DECA chapter. According to the conversion table, this is a between a 93% and 96% average. There aren't many "math" courses, but there are a lot of courses that use a lot of math according to my CS friends. I’m in Waterloo honours math and I never took cs in high school. Happened to me and quite a lot of kids I know. I had a look at the pure math courses at University of Waterloo and the offerings are pretty similar. Hi, I am currently in grade 12 and would like to go to Waterloo for computer science. Hi there, I’m a grade 12 awaiting an admission decision from Waterloo Computer Engineering. Personally, I also know someone whole graduated with math/busi double degree from Waterloo and now working in google as a software developer. They said you need an average in the high 90s to get considered. Personally i would root for waterloo math as it is a very versatile program. To transfer from regular to coop, need a cumulative average after 1B above 85% which requires more efforts. Like any other high school student, I'm not 100% if a program like this right for. Depending on how competitive your high school is, it is probably a bit easier to get into Waterloo than some of the Ivies. UBC would offer me $80,000 scholarship over the four years of studies ($20,000 renewable per year). Generally, in other universities, there is math department under science or arts but in Waterloo, we have a dedicated faculty so there were branches of mathematics I have never heard before such as combinatorics and optimization. So if I chose to transfer to Waterloo, I would only get the first $20,000, which was equivalent to half of my first-year tuition in ubc. However I will note that GPA is something that law school admissions We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Welcome to r/unimelb, a subreddit dedicated to the University of Melbourne community. In grade 9, 10, and 11 I got 97 in English but this year I'm worried that I may just barely get an 80. 16 votes, 19 comments. (First year, Waterloo Math) Any questions, just ask! Hey Hey! I am a first-year student at Waterloo Math, I graduated last year with a 97% average and applied generally for computer science programs. Many people in math apply for CS jobs, and got them too. 9. I am really into Math so I guess I will apply to programs related to it. What I will say is that your upper division math classes have an entirely different flavor than your lower division ones, in that they are entirely proof- and theory- based. The CFM tuition does substantially increase after the first year. Hack the North. Hi, I am a grade 12 student who wants to go into a math-related program, and Waterloo Math is at the top of my list. I currently have a 98% average as of right now and Im wondering do I still even have a chance? Took all advanced math courses and have a 90-95 in all of them. Incoming MMath student. If you need help now, please check out UW's list of emergency numbers. I want to go into the Honours Arts and Business program. i got accepted in feb (literally 1 week after applying) and atp, my avg was 89. 962rep. setofallsets. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. If you're likely to focus on a non-cs math discipline in the future, then UW Math is definitely the way to go. You are covering two CS courses in one term after all. Whether you are a current student, staff member, alumnus, or simply interested in the university, this subreddit is for you. ago. For example, Math 247 with Alexandru Nica was bullshit easy, but Math 245 with Stephen New was among the hardest classes I've taken at Waterloo. Also cs/bba have the same math courses as people in math, without the freedom to choose electives due to the bba side, so if you want to do the same math courses as the ones offered in waterloo math, take that offer. Find your passion, your industry, your company that you KNOW is perfect for you. After 2A you don't have access to the CS major courses anymore. If you want to apply for cs it will likely decrease your odds. I wrote the Euclid last year and got a 73. No. You need a good math average + high mark in CS136/146. For others, it feels almost impossible. Not in grad school but from my research in the past its definitely possible for ways to still get into grad school even if your GPA doesnt quite meet the cut. Physics HL - 6. What average or grades did you have that got you into Waterloo? Current chemical engineering student here. I personally haven't heard back from Waterloo yet and I'm a bit worried and demotivated at this point. Averages hover from mid-60s to mid-70s. The program is not called challenging for nothing. Linear algebra shows up in graphics, discrete math shows up in all kinds of algorithms, number theory/abstract algebra show up in cryptography, and more. 1B was historically the most failed term for Civils though. I have a 92 admission average and I have over 400 volunteer hours, I was in charge at a soccer…. International students. I've taken all the first and second year advanced math courses. 8. Canadian high school students. If you do well on contest problems, then you would have an easier time approaching first year math. Consolidating the next 10 comments you will get: UofT CS if you want to study CS. Harder part is doing well in the program itself. /r/MCAT is a place for MCAT practice, questions, discussion, advice, social networking, news, study tips and more. I want to pursue a career in actuarial science or statistics, but I also want to learn about pure math itself. It's pretty much listing off your extra-curricular activities and the opportunity to list any extenuating circumstances as to why your marks may be low (if that applies to you and if you have any). Waterloo science is good if your goal is professional school, but if that doesn't work out, it's going to be hard to find a job with don’t accept geomatics just cuz you think you can get the transfer to CS - the chances are very low. In Waterloo, I will need to pay around $67,000 every year plainly for their tuition. jd cl ct iu jf cd nd jj sd tu