
Ostarine 8 week cycle results reddit. My diet was/is always the same and has been for years.

Eating around 3k calories a day with around 200 grams of protein. Ostarine Before and After #3. Stay well. I never said to PCT during cycle tf, you need to wait 5 half lives for the compound to clear. Let people live. I unfortunately didn't do a baseline blood test for LSH/FH and SHBG before the cycle, however I did a blood test for total testosterone pre cycle, which for context was Before cycle, my test was at 500~ (these were taking during holiday period, and I was drinking more regularly and not at optimal levels, so could be a little higher when in my normal routine) Now 4 weeks into ostarine & cardarine cycle (10mg each, cutting phase)- test results attached. Take AC262 instead, gains are similar if not better than ostarine, toxicity and suppression are way less. Everybody is different, but some experience mood swings and depression. 10-15 mg to assess tolerance and go up to 20-30 mg after a week of two. Probably not but you could start there for 2 weeks and see then slowly up the dose to find the lowest amount you can make gains on. during the first week of 2024 i'm getting a blood work. 5mg Ostarine + 10mg Cardarine + 6. Worried about my first Ostarine cycle. Dec 12, 2023 · Another Reddit user detailed their 8-week Ostarine cycle, claiming impressive results. 8 week osta and LGD cycle before and after pics : r/SARMs. Saw some subtle (as expected) but pleasing results after running a solo cycle of mk2866 at 25mg/day for 8 weeks. For liver support I'm taking NAC and TUDCA. I'm planning to do a 8 week cycle at 10mg. Fact! For the love of god do not listen to that guy above. - around weeks 8-10 there was maybe some very VERY slight suppression (less motivation, tired, less sexual thought) however I was taking ashwaghanda on this cycle which effects me similarly and could have been We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Unfortunately my enclo is arriving Monday, the same day I finish my 8 week ostarine cycle. Other Supplements: Creatine Protien Powder 2-4 We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. 25mg eod 1 week. Just finished 7 out of 12 weeks of my first sarm cycle (ostarine) and wanted to share an update of my results thus far and side effects. Results: Weight increased from 190 to 195 Bench increased from 215 to 253 Squat increased from 290 to 345 Deadlift increased from 275 to 325. Coming off my first 8 weeks Ostarine cycle and wanted to give a summary First things first, I am really happy with the results. Enclo on cycle. The profit will be better. We recommend that you stay in the range of 10mg a day (cutting) up to 25mg a day (bulking). I've gained 3-5 lbs of muscle every cycle minimum. ADMIN MOD. I suggest you be safe and do the same cycle I’m doing, 8 weeks total of ostarine. Additional supplementation, not omega 3, but lots of healthy fat food, multivitamin, NAC. But I am greedy and want more. Do 1 cycle per year, not that time off equals time on. Okay a) I really think sarms should be kept to a 8 week cycle bc you’re not running a test base b) ostarine is stupid weak imo, compared to rad/lgd/even natty lifting w good diet sleep imo, so bump that to 20 mg for 8 weeks & c) run the enclo from the start 6. Open to recommendations on whether to begin during the cycle if necessary. Take a break from all SARMs for at least 4 weeks following this cycle. I wouldn’t suggest going up to 20 on the first cycle. Considering adding RAD140 for reminder of cycle. 25 mg, bump to 12. 25mg per day Nolvadex (Optional, if needed for gynecomastia): Week 1-2: 20mg per day Week 3-4: 10mg per day Additional Notes: Blood Tests: Completed pre-cycle, all results normal. First cycle results on Ostarine for 8 weeks/MK677 for 4 weeks. Took 20mg a day (10mg in the morning and 10mg in the afternoon) and the results were great, broke all my plateaus, gained about 2kg so I'm happy. NAC 600mg every day while on ostarine, 1200mg (morning & before bed) while on osta+nolva. Method: Ostarine 10mg every morning for 9 weeks. 2. r/SARMs. Bloods taken at 9:30AM 24 hours after last ostarine dose. Yesterday I resumed my training starting with a dose of 15mg Osta and 6. My lifts were better and heavier. Jan 3, 2024 · Many users report incredible results from a single 8-12 week cycle of Cardarine, ranging from losing 10 pounds of fat to upwards of 15-20. Week 2: 15mg ED. Got full blood work done, my dr must know what I’m up to, every was great. Sort by: Gothangelsinner124. With an introduction out of the way here is my plan…. Why Cycle Ostarine and Enclomiphene? Cycling Ostarine can help you achieve significant muscle gains and strength improvements. His DL went from 405 to 500 and his bench went from 225 to 275. You may not be a doctor , but you're very close to what's probably the case, it is probably very slightly elevated because of working out and maybe to a minor degree the ostarine. ) Dude gains were nuts. You'd grow a gaping hole where your dick used to be and you will start menstruating. uk. Personally I would wait until the cycle is over than run low dose novela for 2-4 weeks. 8 week ostarine cycle bloodwork and results. No noticable sides so far, thinking to up the rad to 15 or 20mg for the last 2 weeks and then up enclo to 12. I’m 48 years old, 11% body fat, 82kg and train daily (gym/ road cycling racer) First four weeks felt great with lots of energy, good increases in the gym/ bike training, however at the end of week four I felt suppression sides. Same cycle time. Also to test how i I got pre bloods and just did my 2 weeks blood results yesterday. Don't even think about drinking alcohol for 8 weeks, and don't expect to get away with even those "safe doses" without taking NAC at 1 gram ED while on said cycle for some kind of liver protection. Yo. 25mg Enclo Week 7-8: 15mg Ostarine + 10mg Cardarine + 6. Thought some of you might want to read this and use this information to help in your own cycles so hear we go I did a 8 week cycle of 20 mg ostarine (20mg throughout the whole cycle). 25mg of enclo. 2g NAC ED Enclomiphene for PCT Start: Begin Enclomiphene 1 week after your last Ostarine dose. If you don't have a PCT don't do it. The photos don't even do it justice. Started at around 162 lbs and ended up at 174 lbs. Took 25 mg Ostarine for 8 weeks. For the ostarine: 4 weeks isn't long enough to see any good results. ) and up to 30mg a day. Pick one or the other. SARM cycle for 4+, 8+, 12+ weeks. 5mg + NAC week 8: clomid 25mg + NAC week 9 clomid 25mg + NAC. I only cycled 8 weeks October and November. It starts kicking in after 2-3 weeks and lean gains are starting to come around week 4-5. chest got more define. I’ve run ostarine twice, both times I cut the cycle short at 6 weeks, I don’t remember why. Loved it, it increased my strenght and healed a cronic shoulder injury. First week on Ostarine and Cardarine. - first 2 weeks there was an increase in blood pressure, but this leveled off and was not a problem for the remainder of the cycle. 5 - 5 weeks for everything to kick in but trust me once it did the gains were insane. 40, currently finishing my 8 week ostarine cycle. During this period I did a Dexa Scan: Lean Mass: 182. The first six weeks of Ostarine were amazing however. Increased to 6 mg Enclo at week 6. So I started my first ever cycle with Ostarine 5 weeks ago, and I'm currently on week 6. You get veeeeery tired all the cycle, i had to sleep like 10-12 hours the first 4 weeks. 19 years old low dose ostarine cycle. Started nolva on last week of cycle. My roommate had only been lifting for 6 months and took 15 MG of ostarine for 8 weeks and completely recomped. on 4 weeks cycle ive been taking 10mg my lifts went up and lost fat i Ostarine is a good start but just take 20 mg 8/10 weeks and then do a simple pct, better with enclo or nolva. It might be in a SERM SARM cycle (ie without suppressing T & E too much). Week 3-4: 6. Just imagine a phsyique with 20 lbs less mass (mostly fat gain). Do anything EXCEPT ostarine. co. 3 (average for my age? but on the low side?) REcomping with Ostarine (1st timer) and just want to 'look good'. 05 We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. 8 weeks total, had no feeling of supression but i did a small PCT for 2 weeks at the end. Before and after 184lbs. Apr 28, 2017 · I have been taking 10 mg ostarine for last one week and I want to run it for 8 weeks. I started at 5 for 8 weeks and my shoulders came in STRONG. About to start another 8 week cycle on Ostarine and was wanting to take creatine to hopefully increase/retain even more muscle while cutting. I started at 170-175. Cycle overview: Weeks 1-4: Ostarine 20mg/day Weeks 5-12: MK-677 15mg/day NAC 1000mg/day, Berberine 500mg/day, Krill Oil, P5P 100mg/day. 75mg for 2 weeks (first time using SARM so wanted to see how body reacted) 17mg for 2 weeks (again wanted to see if upping dosage impacted) 25mg for 4 weeks. Apr 14, 2024 · Most people who use Ostarine stay in the range of 5mg a day (5mg a day is mostly for therapeutic reasons – joint healing, etc. 5 mg if you start to feel suppressed (no drive, dick is off, horny Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now Ostarine 8 week cycle . Before I did this cycle I took my blood test (3rd picture attach) and it was all pretty good. Took 25mg osta, 25mg mk, and 12mg enclo daily. Either you do ostarine and likely fuck your body up, or wait till you’re done developing and don’t fuck your body up. Snack: 200g cottage cheese, 50g of some type of granola. 5mg 2 weeks, 6. 15 Fat Mass: 24. Developed gyno on week 2 so I took arimistane (25mg) for 3 days and it went away completely, did not come back after stopping Just finished 6 weeks of ostarine cycle. He's now on rad and deadlifting 6 plates and coming up on 3 plates on bench as well as 455 on squat. 5 ed 2 weeks after. I never do more than 8 weeks but you can do 12. 5mg Week 5-7: 25mg. Clomid work as well but it comes with more side effect such as mood swing or vision disturbs, it is not so common nowadays. Was in a calorie maintenance, upper lower split 4x per week. I’m just giving advice. A Place to talk about SARMs (Selective androgen receptor modulator) like LGD4033, RAD140, Ostarine, S4, S23 and related compounds like MK677, Cardarine and Stenabolic. My periods were better in terms of less cramping etc. 4 Fat Mass: 32. Week 1. I’ve started taking 12. Starting this week with 10mg Ost and 10mg of Card. Side effects: Moderate headaches about once every other day, so quite frequent. PCT Timing: Plan to start PCT only after completing the cycle. Tamoxifen or clomiphene are Ostarine 8 week cycle. Option 1 being the "safer" one but not sure how much results will come of the lower dosages, but since it's a cut maybe it could be enough to keep all gains ? Option 1: Week 1-2: 7. You don’t really need bloodwork at all for this cycle. 6 week cycle: - 1st week: 10mg/day. However, I felt zero suppression. Been cutting the last two months natty and down 5 percent body fat from 20 to 15. 25mg enclomiphene EOD is what im taking rn. All those goods slowly fade after week 6 for me into slight acne and lethargy until I'll stop and fully recover. Increased to 12 mg Enclo at week 8 to 10. Behold my physique after an 8 week ostarine bender. On day 9 of a 12 week cardarine and ostarine cycle with a TRT base. Running enclomiphene alongside the cycle withh offset suppression but if you’re SHBG is low and testosterone is increasing, it will just result in higher amount of free testosterone which will aromatase into estradiol / convert to DHT. - remaining: 20 mg/day. Also got horny as fuck which was a bit unusual for a guy my age (53). For that cycle I used nolva as a PCT as the suppression was definitely present but I bounced back quickly within about 1-2 weeks. I did bloods before and will do in a week to compare the results and see if I will need pct. Don’t take anything else with it, keep it simple stupid. (currently 3 days in) Current supplements I'm taking are NAC & L-Arginine (just to be safe) I'm wondering how long into my cycle I'd need to start taking PCT. (This will be in a 500-700 calorie deficit) Week 1: 10mg ED. This was my first time using PEDs so I was just aiming for a simple body recomp to put some more size in my arms and shoulders without sacrificing the lean and dry look I need to maintain as a Muscles seem harder and a bit better definition, body fat greatly reduced, recovery between work outs is great. Tbh these are blood tests results I pray to see on clients We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Gained it all back and then some, although my suppression was considerate as well: 1100ng pre cycle to 250ng post cycle. Personal info: 23 year old male and height is 5’8 and weight (pre-cycle) around 162lbs. Had bloods taken last week before i start a RAD cycle and everything was back to normal levels. Pussied out but did start on 15mg Ostarine for eight weeks. Suppression too. Does this mean a PCT like nolva wouldn’t even help? Last time I got my testosterone checked was June 2020 (natural) and they were 350. I then got post cycle bloods 2021-01-11 about a week after i finished the cycle. Took a 8 week cycle of ostarine last year while on cut and had great results with little to no sides. If you like it, I would point to otr-ac. Duration: 4 weeks Dosage: Start with 12. In general, I'm very happy with the progress. It sounds like you want to get a little boost in muscle in 5 weeks, but 15mg ostarine won't do much since it has to build up in the body before seeing full results. My Ostarine arrives today, I'm going to try the alternating week cycle. Once I finished the 8 weeks I ordered a more extensive one and took it one week after I last took the osta. Dinner: same as lunch. Ran 25mg/day from Proven Peptides for 8 weeks. A Place to talk about SARMs (Selective androgen receptor modulator) like LGD4033, RAD140, Ostarine, S4, S2…. Pretty happy with the result. Sources are Chemyo for Ostarine and Express for PCT. I’m 33 6’ 230. 5mg Ostarine Week 3-4: 10mg Ostarine Week 5-6: 12. And 5mg won’t be enough to make noticeable strength or LBM gains. Oct 8, 2023 · 10-15mg daily is a good starting point for a beginner Ostarine cycle. I was planning to do 6. 8 WEEK OSTARINE AND MK677 CYCLE RESULTS. Feb 13, 2023 · He believes ostarine did not help him build any lean muscle mass; however, it may have contributed to muscle retention during his cut. PCT: Had tamoxifen planned at 20mg/day for weeks 9-11, 10mg/day week 10. 8 Lean Mass: 184. You will see next to nothing lmao. Ostarine 15mg a day, 9 weeks. It's supposed to steady out over time of use so we will see in 3 months when I get end of cycle bloods and then bloods after another 3 months because I am not doing a PCT because of TRT First cycle I did rad 5 ost 15 S4 25 and cardarine 10 8 weeks and did natural pct balls dropped 3rd week 4th week felt great hopped back on rad but 10 and S4 75-100 and cardarine still I smoked weed and ate peanut butter gained 158 to 181 in 5 days looked bulky muscle fat then a came off thought I was supposedly suppressed felt fine tho back on a 3rd cycle Cutting harder I’m on 18 ost a day Running an 8 week Ostarine cycle at 20mg/ day. lats spread. This is my first time trying it. about 5000kc will calculate fats and everything perfectly for you guys next cycle. Ostarine is straight trash. 18K subscribers in the SARMs community. Female 27. previous cycle blood work all good, but testostorone 418 and free 10. 2 weeks at 10mg and 6 weeks at 20mg. You can’t have both. Overal no crazy side effects or bloodwork results. Get as lean as possible, the people who say Ostarine is weak can’t see the benefits under their fat. I've seen tons of mixed results ranging from 4 weeks in, to after the cycle. For boosting your test I recommend you dermacrine, is a topical dhea which works well and pretty safe. . 4 weeks of Mk677 and my hunger is suppressed BUT I force myself to eat 3600 calories a day to ensure I don’t On a short cycle, you can make a profit if your training regimen and diet are correct. 30mg lgd and 30mg osta - week 8 (notice the results lmao) I am taking a nolvadex pct just to be sure! my opinion on the source: sarmsstore. Am trying to cut without losing muscle and ran a slight calorie deficit. 25 is old enough, but if I'm being honest I wish I would have waited to be in better shape, routine, diet. My diet was/is always the same and has been for years. Take Coffein pills!!! Blood results are very good. Ostarine Cycle Results With Before / After Photo. For PCT we have Nolvadex on hand 20/20/10/10 (and we have enough for 40/40/20/20 to be safe). Goal: Recomp. The main issue with Sarms is that they crash your SHBG. If you have a PCT, you COULD take a higher dose say 20-30mg/day and you will be satisfied with the results. 25 last to weeks when i go to 20mg osta. If your gyno starts flaring up and the titties start getting ultra sensitive, you can run low dose Nolva alongside the ostarine (5mg/day). If you don’t want to potentially fuck your body up, wait till you’re at least 25. Yo I'm on my 6th week of my Ostarine Cycle started at 5mg my first week then came up to 10mg for 2 weeks and then 15mg for another 2 weeks and I'm doing 20mg on my 6 th week coming back down to 15mg my 7th and 10mg my 8th and final week but I had a couple of questions should I take a pct after my cycle ends to maintain my 12. I've read about people having good success with mini cycles. Next cycle I will go for 20mg/day again including enclo because I did drop in testosterone after week 4 in this cycle. I’m 21 years old, male. In a week I will do more bloodwork. Although 4 weeks of those I had a fucked diet because I just had started dating someone. If this is your first cycle, I’d keep the ostarine cycle to 8 week. I barely see a difference in these photos. First cycle. 5ml Enclo ED as I have it on hand. Now currently on ashwaganda which increased my test levels. DAA, Ashwghanda, L-Dopa, Stinging Nettle for 4 weeks. I know someone who take 4-6mg year round and no issues. I could have gotten even more drastic results if my approach hadn't been so casual. During this week I felt the first effects kick in, some increased sex drive, endurance inside the gym and strength all started Beginning of the cycle, I feel amazing and energetic, slight aggression increase and huge strength increase. No before picture unfortunately. Add a Comment. So, 8 weeks Ostarine cycle, first week 10mg and after that 7 weeks 20mg, my first cycle ever, 40 years old, lifting for about 6 years. 20mg lgd and 20mg osta - week 4-7. 5kg So I was desperate and was considering gear. You should run this for 6-8 weeks depending on your response. Did it again and got the same results. Also been in Clomid for 4 years, don’t care about your feelings on that . People with stage 1 and 2 fatty livers have higher levels of liver function than he does after a cycle. 36 yr old. Lunch: 180g (un cooked) rice and 200g chicken/white fish, no sauce. I recently began a cycle of ostarine and enclomiphene (December 1st), initially dosing at 5mg and gradually increasing to 15mg over a two-week period…. Intermediate MK-2866 Cycle Before and after 8 weeks, 20mg. 8 week ostarine cycle transformation. 8 weeks shut you down more than 5. 143 weigh in. 3. Body recomposition dosage would be somewhere in the middle (15mg a day). 25mg 2 weeks, 6. I used 20mg nolva everyday for 3 weeks for my ostarine cycle and felt back to normal/ amazing 3-4 weeks post cycle. Jun 14, 2015 · Cycle: Olympus Labs: Ostar1ne: 10mg for 6 weeks PCT: Exemestane 12. Ostarine 10mg 9 week cut results. I did all low dosages on purpose, because trust me sometimes less is more. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Decent amount of muscle gain, and some fat lost, 4 days a week in the gym. ostarine 12 week cycle 29 years old 5'5 starting weight 135lbs ended with 143. Planning on increasing to 30mg week 8–12. small new shoulder veins, more rounding, upper chest striations, pumps feel crazy every single workout on any muscles. Male users may still need PCT after this cycle despite the low dose. I didn't weigh myself before and after, I just relied on visually eyeballing it the whole time. Nolvadex comes with its own side effects. There seems to be two ways to go: a 4-6 week straight cycle, or going three months but run the sarms every opposite weekand using regular supplements during the off weeks. I'm worried about my testosterone levels never reverting back to their old levels even after pct. 20/20/10/10 worked great for me. Cardarine is usually taken in dosages of 10-20mg per day, and users can expect significant before and after transformations for cutting and fat loss. 5mg per day for the first 2 weeks, then reduce to 6. Low estrogen will hit around week 8, not a big deal helps you dry out. Other supplements like B complex, zinc, magnesium, L-glutamine. Positive change in body composition secondarily. Did they ever fully revert back to We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. 25mg Enclo week 6 rad 140 10mg ED, 4 weeks of Enclo 6. Went from 215 to 235 lbs bodyweight. 25mg ED. Im happy with my results, I’m sure id look at lot crazier after 8 but im actually really happy, I’ve noticed a bit of a hit on my livers tho, after some liver supplements this has stopped (confirmed by doctor) so my health + I’m happy with half cycle results, am I cool to just stop on 20mg We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Btw, also running 20mg MK 677. Ostarine 8 week cycle @ 25 mg 45 yr old, 5'11", 190lbs. 25mg of enclo every other day starting week 6 and then once my ostarine cycle ended, continue with 6. We will find out later how much of this I retain after coming off all the shit lol. Go for it bro. 5kg Press 55kg -> 65kg Squat 106kg -> 117. If needed: Clomid Goals: Increase strength primarily. I tested my testosterone at 635 ng/dl and was wondering what your experiences has been post cycle with your testosterone levels. I had been cutting for 1 month before this, and decided to aim for a Recomp the first two weeks and then a 700 Calorie cut for the rest of the period. Be prepared for the side effects of low testosterone on 5-6 week. Nolvadex 10mg every third day on the 7th week, every other day on the 8th week, every day on the 9th week. Both times I felt great mentally for the first two weeks, average for the next two weeks, and probably felt the effects of suppression for the next two weeks, I remember having headaches and a bit of apathy towards the end of my cycles. Cycle was 10mg for 2 weeks, 20mg for 4 weeks and 30mg for the last 2 weeks. I’m 190-195 now. Background: I was 104 kgs a year back with around 30% fat. I expect to keep the rad doses low, maybe starting at 3mg a day for a couple of weeks and increasing to 5mg for last i have ordered ostarine with clomid (due to enclomiphene not being available) was thinking about running this cycle: week 1: 10mg osta week 2: 10mg osta week 3: 20mg osta week 4: 20mg osta week 5: 20mg osta week 6: 30mg osta + NAC week 7: 30mg osta +clomid 12. Felt great overall and no side effects. 2 weeks off ostarine now, no PCT, and no suppression. Results: No bro. Week 3-10 20mg ED (if tolerated well from weeks 1 and 2) (6'0, 220lb) I've started my first cycle recently running Ostarine @ 20mg for 8 weeks. Reply. This is where antiestrogens can help (you need SERMs, not aromatase inhibitors). cycle dosis: 10mg lgd and 10mg osta - week 1-3. “gym brahs” will tell you you’re a pussy & ask you to take 30mg of ostarine when it isn’t at all necessary. Not sure if you've done any research beforehand 🤨. The pictures are from August to December. I am not wanting to fuck my body up. I didn't have great results from my second cycle on Ostarine. I also generally look leaner and more shapely. Share. Horniness comes on at week 3 for me. I lost 18kg by doing cardio and weights. The cycle was Ostarine 10mg /ED for 4 weeks, then Ostarine 15mg /ED for the last 4-5 weeks. 15mg ostarine and 6. more muscle definition and strength. 12 week ostarine cycle. My blunt answer: Pre-Cycle (Get Bloods) Liver - ALT, AST Test - Total test, Free test, SHBG, LH, FSH Heart - Cholesterol, Trigs, HDL, LDL 6-8 week cycle: 15-25mg MK2866 10mg GW pre-workout on cardio days 1. His strength levels remained exactly the same during his 6-week cycle. not very relevant to the post but what results would you expect from a 8 week 20mg ostarine cycle and ks it a good idea for a first cycle/ first time ever week 6 rad 140 10mg ED, 4 weeks of Enclo 6. After following a calorie deficit diet and supplementing with Ostarine, they reportedly experienced improved muscle definition, strength, and recovery despite being on a caloric deficit 2. No side effects feeling during the cycle. OSTA is 💯 toxic. So 10-20mg eod. The above user lost 23 pounds after an 8-week ostarine cycle, administering 20 mg/day. 20mgs ostarine great for cut IMO or if you are already lean, will provide better look. Dose: Week 1-2: 20mg Week 3-4: 22. Started taking 3 mg Enclo at start of week 3. We are planning on running Ostarine for 8-10 weeks (depending on how bad the sides get) at 20mg. This time around I was on a good cycle, including ACP105, GW, S4, and Ostarine. I plan to start enclo week 3 when I bump up to 20mg ostarine, anyone recommend how much enclo to take ? I’m thinking 4mg and go to 6. 25mg enclo every day for 2 additional weeks. Did it for recomp and more out of curiosity on how my body would react to sarms. It took like 4. 4 weeks is kind of weak, 6 weeks would be better but 8-10 is best. I constantly ran a very deep deficit (1300 kcal/day, from 1800->1500->1300) and was still able to get PRs in almost all of my lifts Bench 85kg -> 92. 1st week 10mg/d 2-8th week 15mg/d. You'll notice strength and energy quickly like around week 2 but 4 weeks is pretty useless for gains. Talking about sources is allowed and welcomed as long as its NOT PROHIBITED. Confused because LH and FSH are in range but my total T is just trashed (see below). Breakfast: 80g of oat’s, 50g of protein/carb mix, 30g peanut butter, 3 eggs. Taking fish oil, NAC, Citrus Bergamot, in AM magnesium, zinc, melatonin, NAC in PM. Higher Testo than normal No Issues At the 5-8 week you get such a very strong power spike, i could bench 100kg with 6 -8 reps at 80kg body weight and still can do it at 77kg Ostarine cycle report. 3 weeks post cycle bloodwork and results. Same compound but better bioavailability and way longer hl. 25mg per day for the remaining 2 weeks . pp ap ix fa ff nb zp ye sx lk