Toddler hits when excited reddit. html>nh Short answer: Look into stimming. And when you first hear it, when you only have one kid, you panic every time you hear it. This understandably triggers feelings of anger, and we may reflexively strike back verbally or physically. Also not that I have any experience in diagnosing autism, but I think if your baby was not hitting milestones that would be more of a concern than her getting excited and Toddler hitting his head when frustrated. but so are our brains. My cousins boy does this, has since he was a toddler and he is 5 now. He cannot be left to stand on his own in public or he takes off. It's not even when he's just in a bad mood, he hits and destroys things when he's excited too. A toddler may understand rules about not hitting, but struggle to stop themself from hitting or biting when they're feeling frustrated. If you have a baby gate up, I'd put the toddler on the other side when they hit. Recently he’s started to hit me severely over every little thing. Hey y’all! I am currently 17 weeks with my double rainbow baby! I would say the first trimester was full of “don’t get your hopes up” and constant anxiety and then WHOOSH relief happening from the 12-14 week period. Share. say “do not hit (name)” move yourself away from the strike zone and say “I’m stepping away. My 2yo old son falls and hits his head on our very hard tile floor like once a day, at least. It is still your body and your choice. 5 YO for something. Hold toddler’s hands and demonstrate gentle. We tell them “no hitting” and will hold down their arms down and try to continue snuggling. It’s ok to be mad, and people aren’t for hitting. In comparison with my two younger daughters, my son had early signs of inattention, and also hyper-focusing, like he didn't hear what I said, for example. Stimming can take various forms, including hand flapping, rocking back and forth Keep it simple. Address your child once they have calmed down. “Oh you must be so frustrated because of xyz. This results in him not listening to directions and doing undesired behavior. He will literally slap me in the face over and over or bite me until I remove myself from him. He only does this when he is excited about something on the tv or is super mad about something. “Hey LO, I know you’re feeling frustrated let’s get our frustration out on the beanbag”. Immediately praise him when he is gentle, saying specifically what you saw that was good. It seems like some kind of overstimulation thing. We also stressed using gentle hands and still use that language for everything. . It's a stim. I've seen it come from excitement, anger, stress. If you need to hit, you can hit (a pillow, stuffed animal, other acceptable item). He also does the excited hitting, where you can actually see the pure energy boiling up in him and he just chucks something or hits someone. Your husband is rewarding hitting and throwing with attention and that tends to cause more hitting and throwing. After the tantrum has faded and he’s de-escalated and back in a neutral emotional state, talk with him about Jan 15, 2023 · That they can ask for a turn and wait (if that seemed like the reason). Hey all! My 23 month old has picked up a bad habit. Even negative attention can function as a reward. Posted by u/beardless - 1 vote and 2 comments Whenever he's excited, whether he's looking at a book or having some screen time, he will squeal over and over instead of using any words to describe what he sees, while simultaneously opening and closing his hands over and over. . My soon to be 3 year old has started to shake for 1-2 seconds when he’s excited and sometimes, but not always, tenses his body up and clenches his teeth. He's hitting us with a stick he found, we tell him he can hit the ground or a tree. yeahipostedthat. When this happens your baby will shake and tremble or sometimes flap their arms Toddlers hit and we have to teach them that’s not acceptable behavior. The health of a child is the most important thing to a parent. It’s something that takes time and alot of repetition. Instead, your child can concentrate on letting all that tension tumble out. It isn't an unhappy scream, in fact it is usually when he is excited and attention seems to egg him on even if it isn't a direct result of his screeching. Our 16 month old thinks hitting is very funny- we tell her “ ow No Hitting!”. He will legitimately hurt himself if we let it escalate. My boy is about to be 3. The talks are for older kids, doing a long lecture won’t resonate because they lack appropriate language skills and empathy. He has done this since about 5 months but it has recently gotten worse. spinning and his eyes are trying to look ahead the direction of his spin. The shaking could indicate a motor stereotypy, developmental disability, or even seizure if the vibration is severe or specific symptoms are present. He is extremely intelligent, and he has never had any health issues. The sound of a fan or a white noise machine can help drown out your child’s screaming and create a calming environment. Jun 3, 2017 · Hi. Holding his hands when he hits and saying calmly the same lines: “Hitting is not allowed. 3. Best to teach them to speak up, go to an adult, etc. I know you are recovering and spread thin but any 1-on-1 attention you can give toddler will help. Provide an alternative, such as a toy or object to redirect their attention. the_tragically_hip. I did time out and baby is almost 3 months now and my toddler is basically passed the hitting baby stage. Our toddler is about 20 months and he’s been hitting stuff and trying to hit us lately and we’re not sure why or if we’re doing something wrong. In need of advice please. Step #4 Listen. As a little background me and my husband both have ADHD. So, he's five, basically healthy, happy, typical boy. Put yourself in between the kids then put your back to the hitter and focus only on your child. Reply. When he bites, take the baby and walk away without a word, don't look a C. 5 year old. Please help :) I have twin daughters aged 2 and a half. Have him help with tasks for baby- get you a diaper, etc. My 5 year old son keeps hitting himself. “It’s okay to feel angry and frustrated. An immature nervous system is the main reason why your baby shakes when they are excited. I suspect that the poor darling can't clear his hormones well. • 3 yr. However for a while now he actually doesn’t hit my husband anymore but hits me more than ever. Mar 27, 2023 · Limited impulse control. g. It' perfectly fine to do as long as it is not causing you any harm. So when we are roughhousing or when she’s being feral at soft play, that’s when she’ll come over to me and just bite down out of nowhere. He has two sisters (6 and 10). I never left them alone for a second unsupervised. Toddlers don't actually have complete control of this, so that's important to remember. Stuff happens, and as long as both child's are able to cry, they are alive and get air :D. Like if he doesn't get to watch TV or I don't give him the snacks he wants, he hits his head with both hands out of anger. If he’s so angry that he feels like he needs to hit something, he can hit the couch cushions. We notice it more when our 8 month old is getting attention and we have to scold the 2. He is laughing because he is enjoying the attention he is getting for unwanted behaviors. The laughs are an indication that he is enjoying all the emotional attention. Reddit has abandoned the users, the moderators, and countless people who support an ecosystem built on Reddit itself. " Put him down and walk away and ignore him for a minute or so. Also, she was happy for me! Keep your expectations low if you can. 12 votes, 18 comments. She has started biting me very hard when tired and also started banging her head into mine as hard as she can. Separate the aggressor, comfort the victim, circle back to the aggressor to talk it out. If you’ve ever been to a 4-year-old’s birthday party, you know that getting super-excited is something young kids do. Your support is a powerful antidote to the fear that causes hitting. You can really hurt someone. Toddler hitting mom but not dad. In reaction to unwanted behavior: act, don't yak. 2 Year Old with Aggressive Behavior - Please Help! My almost 2-year-old son has had frequent (2-4 times per day) aggressive behavior towards my wife and I and other children. It… Title is pretty self explanatory What do you do when your toddler (mine is 2. You don’t usually see much of that behavior at a 10-year-old’s party. But then, you grow to learn that a toddler’s head is so close to the ground that… it can’t reach terminal velocity. However, she has started lying about people Oct 12, 2022 · Likewise, why do babies shake their head side to side when excited? Self-soothing Some babies find it soothing to shake their head from side to side. Now you’re going to okay the feeling. He thinks it’s funny and playful to hit. Step 2: Okay the feeling. In the case of hitting, it's more like, "You can't hit people in the face. That may mean covering corners or sharp edges if Jul 16, 2023 · Step back and take a deep breath. After my 20 week anatomy scan is really when it started to feel more real and exciting and started really preparing. Reeeeally started getting excited in the last few weeks (19 weeks now) when I’ve started feeling movement consistently. Somewhere between our maternity photos and baby shower, around 30-32 weeks. We're tough cookies pregnant or not. It could be a sensory thing, a coping mechanism. But we know it won’t help. 5, boy) hits or kicks you (or tries to do either)? So far I use a… Jun 29, 2024 · Stimming, short for self-stimulatory behavior, refers to the repetitive movements or actions that individuals engage in to regulate their sensory experiences or express their emotions. ” Your goal in these moments is to help her ride the wave of the big emotion. Award. Reward the good overtly and keep corrections short quick and concise. Sep 14, 2023 · Excited. The thing you should be concerned about is that fake cries are counterproductive parenting that will cause more hitting and throwing. I've noticed this about myself. Stay away for no more than 2 minutes. It sounds like you all need to set stronger boundaries around hitting in general. •. It’s never any longer than 2 seconds. Depends on the situation but I generally: remove him/source of frustration from the situation. ” In other situations when your child is not hitting, talk about feelings and their names. Get the point across that it's better to make someone feel better than to hurt them. It was very stressful but necessary to keep a consistent expectation to be gentle with the baby. They can, however, be concerning at times. He doesn’t say anything while he does it, it’s just in anticipation of doing something or while first doing something that excites him. My son, now almost 11 with severe ADHD, was very active as a toddler. 1. Self-soothing is harmless and may help a baby feel less anxious in new situations. He's hitting the dog, we tell him to pet the dog. If you think about what you are afraid of in this moment, it will calm down a lot (at least for me). Toddler 1-3 Years. He generally is a very curious toddler and it’s very difficult for me to control him in public. We've tried to mitigate this as…. I get no quality time with my 6 yo because people only want to babysit her and when it's me and the two kids it's just me trying to manage his behaviour and the 6 yo gets left to play alone. Stimming is not always autism related. Posted by u/sbalani - 5 votes and 12 comments Make it seem like you are really hurt and that you don't want to play with them for a bit. It would be weird if as parents you never have any moment when you feel so "ughhh" with your childrens. All that matters is how you feel about expecting your baby. 5 was when my LO got better about not hitting the cats. Tell him "No, hitting hurts. Singing a lullaby or playing a musical instrument can also be effective. While your child is upset, it helps them greatly when you can be loving and calm. This is always done in anticipation of something. If someone keeps talking, just ask them to hold on a minute while you correct your child. Sometimes, I think she thinks it's just a game - like she is just touching them and playing around by hitting their arm. We just remove baby sister from her reach and explain that it's not safe to hit her sister and that we have to keep her safe. Responsible adults need to monitor and referee these situations and not leave them in the toddler’s hands to handle. Frustration with peers. I know it's developmental and normal, but anyone have any soothing or redirect Be excited for your special time together when baby naps Of course, you just want them to bugger off and play so you can have a moments peace and they do eventually start to do that again but it takes a lot of work. When we get excited or angry certain hormones rise in the blood stream. I don't like it, it's not like she's super strong and hurting herself, but still. We just grab his hands and tell him not to do that and explain why. Keep your head up and congratulations on your pregnancy!! 1. In addition to calming music, you can also try using white noise. Obviously, this is an issue especially when she will be 60lb fully grown (not to mention with kids around her height). If your child cannot calm down, remove them and increase the distance they are from the situation. He also can’t throw things. My baby constantly does things that could be considered signs of autism in an older baby/kid. the legit reason needs to be pretty obvious and understandable to a toddler. My Toddler is really impulsive and I'm starting to worry about it. He hits other kids at daycare. “When a toddler hits another person, it’s best to give them The thing is, she’s not doing it out of anger/ frustration like I commonly see, she’s doing it when she’s getting too excited and silly. 5 and literally is so sweet 90% of the time. And put her down take a few steps away. He will arch his back backwards and clench his fists and sort of stiffen up. We try time outs and every morning we reinforce that we don’t hit friends and keep hands to ourselves. I've cried, whimpering, when my toddler headbutted me right on my face, busted my lips, bite me, kick me, you name it. Do not hit your child back. 3 days ago · A toddler’s tics when he is excited are often mild reactions to adrenaline. 5 year old behavior when dad gets home from work. Personally, I almost never use the word 'no' in that situation. Tell him you’re here for him if he needs a hug or some help calming down, but you’re going to give him some space, and move away from him. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. However, for the last couple months, she stiffens &amp; shakes her arms and legs (and opens her mouth) when she gets excited or finds something Your feelings are still valid and important. The first thing that comes to mind is he may have some problems with his hearing. You stay with the dog, loving on the dog like you would do if the toddler had hit a sibling. It’s never really out of aggression but mostly appears to be this excited impulse he can’t control. A consistent time that she is not so nice is when my husband first gets home from work. Sep 10, 2023 · Stay calm and avoid reacting with anger or frustration. It's not a problem unless it's causing you problems, so if you feel fine about it, no need to read further :) it could be autism, ADHD, or both. Aliza Pressman, a developmental psychologist and co-founder of the Mount Sinai Parenting Center Nov 14, 2023 · Here’s how to stop a toddler from hitting, according to experts. It is a common behavior observed in both autistic and non-autistic individuals. They should feel bad and give you a hug and try to make you feel better. They may not have developed self-control yet, and biting may be a way for them to express their excitement. I work from home and my mother comes to our house to watch our daughter. Aug 24, 2023 · Try playing soft, soothing music to help your child relax. She does it while laughing, so she's not angry or anything. It's an outlet to expend excess energy, most often seen in neurodivergent individuals. What does bother other moms is if you don’t do a thing and let your toddler push or hit to get what they want. We have 2 small dogs and 2 cats. Then resume normal interactions. Hi all, my 18-month old has started hitting his own head with his hands when he's frustrated or angry. Instead of sending her to her room, you can say, “You’re feeling really mad. She'll hit herself on the head with her hands or with whatever she's holding when I tell her "no" to anything (even if I'm gentle about it), or when she can't figure out how a toy works. treat (name) gentle. I tried time outs with no improvement. My almost 3 year old knows how to tell us if he’s mad,sad, frustrated, etc but he does still hit and now scratches sometimes. Notice we say the FEELING, not the BEHAVIOR. My 4. I don't like it when you hit. " My 2 year old gets really excited when around other kids, and will kick or hit. When I'm excited about something, I'll do some really fast movements with my body. whynotbecause88. Having this new baby is like the ultimate betrayal for them and it takes major relationship rebuilding to get back to a good place. At no point will you okay the hitting or kicking or whatever, but you will acknowledge the feeling that triggered it. Sob a little and really put on the performance. Hello everyone, so my 2 year old daughter keeps hitting our pets. Like if my toddler has a short outburst, whatever, but if he's trying to actually talk to me, I'll need to ask him to wait. Before then we supervised very closely and moved either child or cat if hitting happened or was about to happen. Today that toddler hits back someone who hit them first, tomorrow they are the one who is hitting first. com My 3 year old has been hitting at daycare for months. I don't know if I should contact my pediatrician with my concerns. But he’s 7 months old and sensory overload is just part of being a baby. Our ability to break them down and clear them out of the body is dependent on our genetic make-up, constitution and dietary factors. If both kids need something- I. You have options, look at all of them, pick the best for you and stay strong. Don't expect things to change, it might set you up for unrealistic expectations. They won’t have to be afraid of your impulsive behavior or your disapproval. My 2 year old son is speech delayed (but making progress!) and tends to hit himself when upset (mostly only when another child takes something from him). When your baby is excited by a person, toy, or sound their brain can sometimes send too many electrical signals through their central nervous system. He's climbing all over us in a way that hurts, we show him things he can climb on instead like the living room chair or his arch (or if he seems to be doing it to be closer to us, we tell him we can cuddle). It could be neither, but it's very common for both of these two. Hitting is a very normal developmentally stage around this age. 5. My 19 month old is a big hitter and also likes to throw his head back on our faces. So he hits me or the dogs when he’s mad and sometimes hits the dogs. For more helpful information please hit up our beautiful rules wiki! Reminder to all: watch out for a creepy pedo posing as an OT/speech therapist giving fucked-up potty-training advice, and don't sweat it if your post gets 1 or 2 instant downvotes. I think some babies are just more opinionated lol. Like baby elephants playing in the snow with weiner dogs in sweater onesies and a large-headed baby giggling to it while she is babysat by a so ugly it's cute mohawk chihuahua that gives her kisses rare. We also practice being gentle and “ nice” with the cat, dollies etc. However it shouldn’t be to the point of injuring other kids. He loves it and he giggles, screams, and freaks out with joy. He'll get it quickly. ”. My 7 year old son has uncontrollably rhythmic body shaking when excited. This has been going on for about six months. We… Solidarity, kids are same age. My baby is hitting all her milestones, some a little early. When a toddler hits, it’s natural for parents to see it as an act of aggression or an attack, just like when adults hit each other. He also does it if he’s adamant about something that we’re telling him no to. They want to be held and demand to be held but they also want to continue hitting the person who said “no” to them. It’ll take a long time, but actions speak louder than words at this age. Pick one phrase, like “ow, that hurts, don’t hurt me”, say it, and move away from him so he can’t do it anymore. In this case, it is important to redirect their behavior to a more appropriate activity, such as playing with a toy or reading a book. ago. When he gets excited about something, or meets someone for the first time, he'll either slap himself across the face or take whatever is in his hand and hit himself in the head! Then This is concerning and you should talk to a doctor asap. We take him to a different place, set him down and ask why he’s doing it/what his Jul 26, 2023 · Simply put, toddlers hit because they don’t know how else to express themselves. Ours has been doing this for a few months now (16 months). 5, occasionally gets into a hyper, excited state. It’s gonna get worse for a while because he’s trying to test how firm the boundary is. 4. And remember, no parent is going to fault you that your toddler hit their kid IF you make an effort to deal with it. 7. Toddlers may bite when they are excited, especially when they are playing with other children. Immediately and calmly turn away move away without a word and stay away for a minute with no looking at him or talking to him. Our son rarely hits because we have zero tolerance for him hitting anyone (us, other family members, and definitely not other children) and we are very swift and consistent about enforcing Anyone’s baby cough right before crying, during crying, when getting excited, and when getting worked up or fussy? It’s usually like a singular cough at a time and doesn’t turn into a fit unless she’s really really worked up. So as the title says my 8 month old son (on Friday) really likes to screech/scream. 5 month old has recently started standing on her back legs to greet people when excited. Give them something (not someone) to hit. Some people ignore the interruptions completely, some (like you) prefer to pause to redirect. Any advice appreciated! My daughter is 2. Child, 3. Everyone babbles about how our bodies are built for all this pregnancy shit. I'm a new poster in this group. and nothing seems to work. I’m usually off work 30-45minutes before my Tweenkie38. baby is fussing to be held and toddler needs a snack- if baby is safe and can be okay for another minute- verbalize “okay baby! Jan 5, 2020 · why your child may bite. help use the shape sorter) ignore it. Today she hit her head against the floor while she was laying on her carpet because I wouldn’t let her wear the hair clip she wanted because it was bedtime. According to Dr. " I always try to phrase it like, "you can't do that/need to stop doing that, because < legit reason>". We feel like we have tried everything including timeouts, explaining why we don’t bite/hit/pinch, and even have resorted to Hand flapping/pumping when excited is kind of like toe-walking. At this point we will set them down. There has been a lot of discussion lately about the importance of not hitting, because she has a baby sister who she tries to hit sometimes when she gets excited or frustrated. He starts showing autism signs (please forgive me if it is not,,, I searched and Google showed me links with autism overstimulation signs). He has drawn blood scratching my face and recently slashed my cornea. If his speech and social development are on track, don't stress about it. Once he gets over the anticipation he’s fine. "For those of you who don’t have kids, a thunk is the sound of a toddler’s head hitting the ground. It takes one child to hit your kid once for them to do the same. I’ve just told him that he can be as mad as he feels but he can’t hit me or other people. See full list on healthline. Especially when something different or fun is happening, such as when we have visitors over that he enjoys playing with, and towards the end of the day when I think maybe he's getting tired. I’ve tried all the gentle parenting stuff- ignoring it My toddler hitting me is escalating. Sep 6, 2021 · Immature nervous system. The problem is when he becomes too excited. [5] Console the other child and take some age-appropriate distance from your child. My daughter just turned 2. Rolling his head and flapping his arms mostly. Get a beanbag, name the emotion. If you hit them back and say “no hitting,” you’re teaching them hitting is an okay response. Lots of kids without autism or tics do it and in and of itself is not something to be concerned about. e. I had to shadow the toddler the entire time. Praise and attention will cause this to replace the ignored hitting. Other then this he is perfectly fine. She loves them and hugs them and say I love you to them but randomly all of a sudden she smacks them for no reason, I keep telling her not to do that, that she’s hurting them and I explain it many different ways but she doesn’t seem to care. Right now, she's just beginning to crawl &amp; is trying to pull up. It’s important to take a calm and reasonable approach with your child. One of them has a strange reaction when she gets hurt or if something happens to her. He hits me and Dad all of the time while playing. Toddlers need help learning to control their impulses and how to express themselves, and while they figure these life skills out, they need appropriate alternatives. 2. say "gentle" and stroke him where he hits himself or gently remove/help with whatever upsets him (e. He wasn't disobedient, he was just very easily excited and needed to expel a LOT of energy every day to go to bed. He does it out of anger too, frustration, playfully, etc. They race around, shout, and push because they just can’t help themselves. Teaching a toddler to hit back is simply teaching them it is ok to hit. Anyway - we have the same problem with our 3. They may do this when they are overstimulated, anxious, or trying to fall asleep. I have a 5 year old who stims a ton, he also has an apraxia of speech diagnosis. I mean you’re hitting them for the same reason they may have hit you. Use a firm but gentle voice to tell your toddler that hitting is not okay. As my child is getting older they are becoming more and more impulsive. We've tried identifying the feeling, offering something else to hit, bear hugs, etc. But they pull their arms away and continue to hit. Step 3. by: Anonymous. The ability to control those impulses may not fully develop until they're close to 4 years old, with support from loving parents and caregivers. Strange thing is he’s been doing it since he was 2 days old. However he has no other traits associated with autism. Physically intervene by gently holding your toddler’s hands or arms to prevent them from hitting again. Give him something safe he can hit when he’s frustrated! My 17 month old is a total rugrat, when he’s over excited he whacks stuff (me) I get our drum and say “let’s get our silly whacks out” and he does. I do not want to be hit. Our son is around 22 months old and I noticed he will do this (kinda always has) when he is super excited or upset. May 5, 2021 · If your toddler starts hitting themselves, the first order of business is to 1) make sure they are physically safe, and 2) help them calm down. May 24, 2021 · Actions speak louder than words. You can probably alter it if you want to. Please read Call to action - renewed protests starting on July 1st and new posts at r/ModCord or r/Save3rdPartyApps for up-to-date information. She looks like she's just having fun, but I know I can't allow her to hurt other kids. Sep 22, 2020 · For example, pick up your child and say sternly, “You don’t hit. nh jy yj uj jc ox hy vn lv oc