
Wiki hyprland variables list. To run hypridle at startup edit hyprland.

on-created-empty: [c] A command to be executed once a workspace is created empty (i. int 120 Troubleshooting This page will tell you how to use plugins. Then, in a tty or terminal, do coredumpctl debug Hyprland. Please avoid putting those environment variables in /etc/environment. Using plugins from Nixpkgs In Nixpkgs, there are Hyprland plugins packaged for the Hyprland version in Nixpkgs. If you install with make install, or any package, it should automatically be installed. Config. General Variables in the general category: variable description type default lock_cmd command to run when receiving a dbus lock event (e. It allows for screensharing, global shortcuts, etc. To limit the amount of hashmap Hyprland is a wlroots -based tiling Wayland compositor written in C++. config/hypr/xdph. Edit this page on GitHub → Scroll to top Switchable keyboard layouts The easiest way to accomplish this is to set this using XKB settings, for example: input { kb_layout = us,cz kb_variant = ,qwerty kb_options = grp:alt_shift_toggle } Variants are set per layout. NVreg ForewordDue to their proprietary nature, Nvidia GPUs have limited compatibility with Hyprland. You should not add quotes around the values. STYLE (optional) is the animation style The Grouped (tabbed) windows. Package options These are the default options that the Hyprland package is built with. animation=NAME,ONOFF,SPEED,CURVE[,STYLE] ONOFF can be either 0 or 1, 0 to disable, 1 to enable. cat /tmp/hypr/$(ls -t /tmp/hypr/ | head -n 1)/hyprland. The default config is not complete and does not list all the options / features of Hyprland. Please refer to this wiki page and the pages linked further down here for full configuration instructions. : env = GTK_THEME,Nord. fuzzel Fuzzel is an application launcher for wlroots based Wayland compositors, similar to rofi’s drun mode. Install Hyprland See Installation and come back here once you have successfully installed Hyprland. General Variables in the general category: variable description type default disable_loading_bar disables the loading bar on the bottom of the screen while hyprlock is booting up. Doing so will make the cache useless, since you Feb 16, 2024 · Welcome to the Hyprland Wiki! Take a tour of the pages on the left and read ones that you may need. Please keep in mind some options that are layout-specific will be documented in the layout pages and not here. Hyprland on Home Manager. If gdb asks you for symbols, say y, if it asks about paging, say c. Is emitted ONLY when a user requests a workspace change, and is not emitted on mouse movements (see activemon) WORKSPACENAME workspacev2 emitted on Hyprland on NixOS. Edit this page on GitHub → Scroll to top. Once you get to (gdb), run bt -full and post the output. : env = QT_QPA_PLATFORM,wayland and NOT env = QT_QPA_PLATFORM,"wayland" Please avoid putting those environment variables in /etc/environment. 0 Home Showcase News. CTRL K Configuring Hyprland Variables Keywords Monitors Binds Dispatchers Window Rules Example Configurations. not created by moving a window to it). This setup is very common in the likes of gaming laptops, GPU-passthrough (without VFIO) capable hosts, and if Welcome to the Hyprland Wiki! Take a tour of the pages on the left and read ones that you may need. see here for more information on this environment variable. If you want to try Hyprland on Nvidia regardless (many people have reported successes), follow the Nvidia page after installing Hyprland. e. category name master. Workspace management hyprsome by sopa0: Awesome-like workspaces for Hyprland. name description argument(s) cancellable tick fired on a tick, meaning once per (1000 / highestMonitorHz) ms nullptr activeWindow fired on active window change PHLWINDOW keyboardFocus fired on keyboard focus change. Configuring Hyprland Variables Keywords Monitors Binds Dispatchers Window Rules Workspace Rules Animations Tearing Dwindle Layout Master Layout Using hyprctl Expanding functionality XWayland Environment variables Multi-GPU Uncommon tips & tricks Example configurations This page documents software that is strongly recommended to have running for a smooth Hyprland experience. conf allows for these variables: category screencopy variable description type default value max_fps Maximum fps of a screensharing session. Hyprland will not, as you might want to use something else. Aug 1, 2022 · this page documents all of the more advanced config options. h header for all the keysyms This tutorial will cover literally everything you need to just get things going. On Arch, this is libva-nvidia-driver in the official repos. Using Function Hooks Function hooks are only available on AMD64 (x86_64). Meson. Add an immediate windowrule to your game of choice. SourceHut. org. Make sure to read the “Variables” page as well. If your host machine uses multiple GPUs, you may want to use one GPU for rendering all the elements for Hyprland including windows, animations, and another for hardware acceleration for certain applications, etc. Dark. Nvidia. Noteworthy features of Hyprland include dynamic tiling, tabbed windows, a clean and readable C++ code-base, and a custom renderer that provides window animations, rounded corners, and Dual-Kawase Blur on transparent windows. Configuration Doesn’t require configuration, only launch flags: flag description args -a / –autocopy Automatically copies the output to the clipboard (requires wl-clipboard) none -f / –format= Specifies the output format cmyk / hex / rgb / hsl / hsv -n / –no-fancy Disables the “fancy” (aka. 1. hyprpicker is a neat utility for picking a color your screen on hyprland. v0. They have (almost) full access to every part of Hyprland’s internal process, and as such, can modify and change way more than a script. If you are in a TTY, and the hyprland session that crashed was the last one you launched, the log will be printed with. 39. Get it to crash. FAQ (Common issues & fixes) Contributing & Debugging. That This category is dedicated to short tutorials on how to get useful utilities for Hyprland working. List of Pages Must-Have Hypr Ecosystem Status Bars App Launchers Wallpapers Screen Sharing App Clients Color Pickers Clipboard Managers Hyprland Desktop Portal Other make debug. Nix. log. dunst, mako, swaync, etc For Meson: Everything needed to build and debug Hyprland is included inside the provided devShell. Options & Overrides. Editor support for config files HyprLS by ewen-lbh: A LSP server to provide auto hyprcursor is a new cursor theme format that has many advantages over the widely used xcursor. Function hooks allow you to intercept any call to the function General The general config of a monitor looks like this: monitor=name,resolution,position,scale A common example: monitor=DP-1,1920x1080@144,0x0,1 This will make the monitor on DP-1 a 1920x1080 display, at 144Hz, 0x0 off from the top left corner, with a scale of 1 (unscaled). Without it, locking shows the current screen. Starting method: manual (exec-once) Clipboard Managers are useful tools that allows one to manage their copied items, be-it texts or images. Do not override Hyprland’s nixpkgs input unless you know what you are doing. clang-format file. (See the Sidebar for Dwindle and Master layouts) Variable types type description int integer The documentation for Hyprland. Make sure to read the Variables page as well. Hyprland Wiki v0. Version selector ⚙️ – Hyprland Wiki. $ {pkgs. nixos. : workspace>>2 Events list name description data workspace emitted on workspace change. That The default config is not complete and does not list all the options / features of Hyprland. Hyprland will write to each connected client live events like this: EVENT>>DATA\n (\n is a linebreak) e. animation=NAME,ONOFF,SPEED,CURVE,STYLE or animation=NAME,ONOFF,SPEED,CURVE ONOFF can be either 0 or 1, 0 to disable, 1 to enable. For basic syntax info, see Configuring Hyprland. First of all, READ THE FAQ PAGE. so files you receive from other people. hostPlatform. A good way to list all modes is to get wlr-randr and do a wlr-randr --dryrun My monitor has flickering brightness when I turn on VRR Change the VRR option to 2 (fullscreen), so that it is only used in games. First, enable flakes. STYLE (optional) is the animation style The animations are a tree. To build the package in debug mode, you have to override it like this: hyprland. Issue a make all and then sudo cp . service and nvidia-resume. This disables the usage of a newer kernel DRM API that doesn’t support tearing yet. (See the Sidebar for Dwindle and Master layouts) Variable types type description int integer decorate: [b] Whether to draw window decorations or not. To list all available monitors (active and inactive): hyprctl monitors all Monitors are positioned on a virtual For basic syntax info, see Configuring Hyprland. If you use Nix on distros other than NixOS, you can still use Hyprland. CTRL K Discord GitHub. However, if Home Manager is not for you, you can use it as a normal package. If an animation is This page will tell you how to use plugins. hyprland-debug. This makes sure that Hyprland will The install instructions are available in the README, however, a quick guide will be given here: Install the package. Make sure to format accordingly whenever you make a PR. Version selector ⚙️. 0 means no limit. description. Some common ones used are copyq, clipman and cliphist. This page will tell you how to use plugins. However Basic bind=MODS,key,dispatcher,params for example, bind=SUPER_SHIFT,Q,exec,firefox will bind opening Firefox to SUPER + SHIFT + Q ℹ️ For binding keys without a modkey, leave it empty: bind=,Print,exec,grim For a complete mod list, see Variables. Build hyprland in debug ( make debug) and run. system}. Build in debug mode A debug build is already provided through hyprland. Feb 16, 2024 · Welcome to the Hyprland Wiki! Take a tour of the pages on the left and read ones that you may need. Prerequisites Make sure you have pipewire and wireplumber installed, enabled and running if you don’t have them yet. Add nvidia. Due to a lot of people doing stupid stuff, this tutorial will cover literally everything you need to just get things going. For example: us,ua -> config binds would be e. A notification daemon Starting method: most likely manual (exec-once) Many apps (e. note: if it’s 0, you can omit further args. Edit this page on GitHub → Scroll to top The documentation for Hyprland. This page houses links to a few repositories with beautiful Hyprland configurations for you to get inspired from or learn how to configure Hyprland from a more tangible example. The master layout makes one (or more) window (s) be the “master”, taking (by default) the left part of the screen, and tiles the rest on the right. bool. It is not possible to mix’n’match Wayland compositors like you could on Xorg with window managers and compositors. To use it in the cloned repo, simply run nix develop. Configuration Example: screencopy { max_fps = 60 } Config file ~/. override or . As such, you can pass certain environment variables to improve Wayland compatibility, or simply change certain aspects of your desktop. Binds, curves, execs, etc. CTRL K Version selector ⚙️ Configuring Hyprland Variables Keywords Monitors Binds . hyprctl is a utility for controlling some parts of the compositor from a CLI or a script. name. You can use the env keyword to set environment variables at Hyprland’s start, e. colored) outputting For basic syntax info, see Configuring Hyprland. Once you have flakes working, install Hyprland through nix profile: The easiest method is PR Requirements Clean, not hacky code Described changes and why they were there Following the style (see below) Code Style Hyprland’s code style is governed by the . The dispatcher list can be found in Dispatchers. Multi-GPU. General. Uncommon syms / binding with a keycode See the xkbcommon-keysyms. override { debug = true; }; This code can go in the package attribute of the NixOS/Home Manager modules. These are all the events that can be listened to using Event Hooks. However hyprpicker is a neat utility for picking a color from your screen on Hyprland. The best option would be through Home Manager. The first layout defined in the input section will be the one used for binds by default. Complete list ℹ️ M: means std::unordered_map<std::string, std::any> following props are members. stdenv. Hyprpicker. Examples: dunst, mako, and swaync The Hyprland Cachix exists to cache the hyprland packages and any dependencies not found in cache. Wofi Wofi is a GTK-based customizable launcher for wayland. It takes the space of one window, and you can change the window to the next one in the tabbed “group” with the changegroupactive bind dispatcher. That will cause all Hyprland will write to each connected client live events like this: EVENT>>DATA\n (\n is a linebreak) e. hyprpm will parse hyprload manifests just fine, but it’s recommended to use the more powerful hyprpm manifest. (See the Sidebar for Dwindle and Master layouts) Variable types type description int integer This category is dedicated to short tutorials on how to get useful utilities for Hyprland working. A Wayland compositor is a fully autonomous Display Server, like Xorg itself. IPC. Repository metadata You can override the package through . However, if Home Manager is not for you, Hyprland can be installed as a normal package. loginctl lock-session) string empty unlock_cmd command to run when receiving a dbus unlock event (e. bemenu bemenu is a Wayland-native replacement for dmenu. The env keyword works just like exec-once, meaning it will only fire once on Hyprland’s launch. Then you can run Hyprland from the built path. (See the Sidebar for Dwindle and Master layouts) Variable types type description int integer These are all the events that can be listened to using Event Hooks. Enabling tearing To enable tearing: Set general:allow_tearing to true. Hyprland on other distros. Here you will find links to some other projects that may not fit into any of the above categories. A group is like i3wm’s “tabbed” container. Configuration Configuration No configuration, only launch flags: flag description args -a / –autocopy Automatically copies the output to the clipboard (requires wl-clipboard) none -f / –format= Specifies the output format cmyk / hex / rgb / hsl / hsv -n / –no-fancy Disables the “fancy” (aka. DEs like Plasma or Gnome will take care of this automatically. It does link to other pages where necessary. Once you have flakes working, install Hyprland through nix profile: The easiest method is to get It is not required, but recommended. Prerequisites In order to write a Hyprland plugin, you will need: Knowledge of C++ The ability to Example configurations. To check if hyprctl is installed, simply execute it by issuing hyprctl in the terminal. g. Bugs. service, nvidia-hibernate. Getting the log If you are in a TTY, and the hyprland session that crashed was the last one you launched, the log will be printed with cat /tmp/hypr/$(ls -t /tmp/hypr/ | head -n 1)/hyprland. Once you have flakes working, install Hyprland through nix profile: The easiest method is to get This page documents a few advanced things about the Hyprland Plugin API. Install the package. Wayland info (especially useful for Xorg users) A Wayland compositor is a fully autonomous Display Server, like Xorg itself. These can be changed by setting the appropriate option to true/false. Disclaimers ⚠️ Plugins are written in C++ and will run as a part of Hyprland. toml. This setup is very common in the likes of gaming laptops, GPU-passthrough (without VFIO) capable hosts As aforementioned, it’s useful using a wrapper to launch Hyprland. ⚠️ hyprctl calls will Hyprland on other distros. (See the Sidebar for Dwindle and Master layouts) Variable types type description int integer This page documents software that is strongly recommended to have running for a smooth Hyprland experience. This page documents software that is strongly recommended to have running for a smooth Hyprland experience. Select your preferred wiki version below: Latest Git. Color pickers. Bisecting an issue Follow the Bisecting an issue guide. Hyprland allows you to make a group from the current active window with the togglegroup bind dispatcher. SUPER, A, while on ua,us -> SUPER Multi-GPU. dunst, mako, swaync, etc This page documents the recommended guidelines for making a stable and neat plugin. ninja -C build. Whether you start Hyprland through TTY or a Display Manager, it is always suggested to use one. SPEED is the amount of ds (1ds = 100ms) the animation will take CURVE is the bezier curve name, see curves. If it’s not, go to the repo root and /hyprctl. This page documents all the “options” of Hyprland. Screen tearing is used to reduce latency and/or jitter in games. Attach and profile in your preferred way. Getting the log. Hyprland plugins are managed differently on Nix than on other distros. Screensharing Read this amazing gist by Bruno Ancona Sala for a great tutorial. Making your plugin compatible with hyprpm In order for your plugin to be installable by hyprpm, you need a manifest. Rofi (Wayland fork) Rofi, but with Wayland support. : env = XCURSOR_SIZE,24. Make sure to always read the source code of the plugins you are going to use and to trust the source. DEs like Plasma or GNOME will take care of this automatically. packages. If you are on the Discord server, see #hyprcursor-themes. Apr 22, 2022 · Hyprland is a highly customizable dynamic tiling Wayland compositor that doesn't sacrifice on its looks. Install kitty (default terminal emulator) terminal. clipman - Utilizes Wayland with wl-clipboard support and stores text only Github cliphist - Utilizes Wayland with wl-clipboard and can store both images and text Github wl-clip-persist - When we copy You can use the env keyword to set environment variables prior to the initialization of the Display Server, e. CTRL K GitHub. conf and add: exec-once = hypridle. bool false hide_cursor hides the cursor instead of making it visible bool false grace the amount of seconds for which the lockscreen will unlock on mouse movement. export this variable in your hyprland config: env = NVD_BACKEND,direct. Install kitty (default terminal emulator Environment variables. This page documents the basics of making your own Hyprland plugin from scratch. GitHub. Install kitty (default terminal emulator General Variables in the general category: variable description type default disable_loading_bar disables the loading bar on the bottom of the screen while hyprlock is booting up. 41. Discord) may freeze without one running. You can change the orientation on a per-workspace basis if you want to use anything other than the default left/right split. /hyprctl /usr/bin. overrideAttrs. To run hypridle at startup edit hyprland. Use e. log feel free to save it to a file, save, copy, etc. Attempting to hook on any other arch will make Hyprland simply ignore your hooking attempt. In order for Nix to take advantage of the cache, it has to be enabled before using the Hyprland flake package. Make a file in the root of your repository called hyprpm. Getting plugins Plugins come as shared objects, aka. If you are coming to Hyprland for the first time, this is the main tutorial to read. : env = GTK_THEME,Nord Hyprland puts the raw string to the envvar with the env keyword. Please remember, that for ALL arguments separated by a comma, if you want to leave one of them empty, you cannot reduce the number of commas, unless told otherwise in a specific section: three_param_keyword=A,B,C # OK. Some code FAQ Why is the config variable getting so weird? Every variable from the config needs to be found in a hashmap. You can use the env keyword to set environment variables prior to the initialization of the Display Server, e. Never trust random . e. Dead simple to use. h header for all the keysyms Wallpapers Hyprland Desktop Portal. How do plugins work? Plugins are basically dynamic objects loaded by Hyprland. See the command syntax. colored xdg-desktop-portal-hyprland is Hyprland’s xdg-desktop-portal implementation. Hyprland puts the raw string to the envvar with the env keyword. Writing a plugin to wipe your computer is easy. General Animations are declared with the animation keyword. if you are in a Hyprland session, and you want the log of the last session, use. You can override the package through the . You can change the orientation on per-workspace basis if you want to use anything other than the default left/right split. overrideAttrs mechanisms. The documentation for Hyprland. service. Codeberg tofi tofi is an extremely fast and simple yet highly customizable dmenu / rofi ForewordDue to their proprietary nature, Nvidia GPUs have limited compatibility with Hyprland. It’s preferred using hyprwm ’s own solution, which, so far, seems to be the only one that doesn’t suck. You can also add a d flag if you want the env var to be exported to D-Bus (systemd only) envd = XCURSOR_SIZE,24. Add this variable to your hyprland config: env = NVD_BACKEND,direct. Function hooks are intimidating at first, but when used properly can be extremely powerful. Is emitted ONLY when a user requests a workspace change, and is not emitted on mouse movements (see activemon) WORKSPACENAME workspacev2 emitted on To run hypridle at startup, edit hyprland. Screensharing is done through PipeWire on Wayland. Crashes and Bugs. It covers all the toggleable / numerical options. Keyboard layout management hyprland-per-window-layout by MahouShoujoMivutilde and coffebar: Per window keyboard layouts for Hyprland. Distros Arch, NixOS and openSUSE Tumbleweed are very supported. List of Pages Must-Have Hypr Ecosystem Status Bars App Launchers Wallpapers Screen Sharing App Clients Color Pickers Clipboard Managers Hyprland Desktop Portal Other. For binds, monitors, animations, etc. The most notable change is that hyprpm is unsupported, but we have our own way of building plugins. if you are in a Hyprland session, and you want the log of the last session, use cat /tmp/hypr/$(ls -t /tmp/hypr/ | head -n 2 | tail -n 1)/hyprland. This is available in most distros’ repositories. Enable the services nvidia-suspend. This is easily achievable on NixOS or Home Manager. The master layout makes one (or more) window(s) be the “master”, taking (by default) the left part of the screen, and tiles the rest on the right. meson setup build -Dbuildtype=debug. Color pickers are useful for quickly grabbing a color of something on your screen. 2. feel free to save it to a file, save, copy, etc. For anything else, see Keywords. Hyprcursor themes You will need to obtain those yourself. See here for more information on this environment variable. For any other distro (not based on Arch/Nix) you might have varying amounts of success. see the sidebar. Launch, click, and you’re done. persistent: [b] Keep this workspace alive even if empty and inactive. Basic bind=MODS,key,dispatcher,params for example, bind=SUPER_SHIFT,Q,exec,firefox will bind opening Firefox to SUPER + SHIFT + Q ℹ️ For binding keys without a modkey, leave it empty: bind=,Print,exec,grim For a complete mod list, see Variables. - Configuring Hyprland · hyprwm/Hyprland Wiki Hyprland Wiki v0. This is a “master toggle” Add env = WLR_DRM_NO_ATOMIC,1 to your Hyprland config. uk wx hk vh ap al zb hu ld cu